**INFO: This portfolio has been deprecated since early 2021 **
I'm a frontend developer, this's my portfolio Github repositories.
I'm coding and improving in JavaScript, React.js
and in several other technologies like Html, Css, REST, Git, Babel, Node.Js, Express, MongoDb
Technology stack: Pure JavaScript, Firebase, Webpack, Babel, Eslint, Sass
The Excel-like application is created in pure JavaScript with almost no third-party libraries. App works with users and saving data in Google Firebase
, it has its own redux
implementation and other interesting things. This project has 23 thousand lines of code and is based on Vladilen Minin's 60% course with additions. The project took approximately 1-1.5 months to complete.
Repo: https://github.com/aiscorp/excel-js
Site: https://aiscorp.github.io/excel-js
Technology stack: React.JS
, cooperative work in Git
, Bootstrap
, React router
It's test task for frontend React position.
Task: create a table component that receives a large or small set of data as input. The table must have a search, sort, and add a new element. The task is also designed in the form of several pages. Bootstrap is used for styles.
Repo: https://github.com/SunBro-Marko/fugr-ru-react-test
Site: https://sunbro-marko.github.io/fugr-ru-react-test/
Technology stack: TypeScript, Node.JS, React.JS, Redux, React Router, MongoDB, NodeMCU, OAuth Google, GraphQl
This project is under development. The first versions of the water measurement device and the server part are finished. Work on the React app is in progress.
In this project, it is planned to work out React Hooks, get experience of interaction between the server, device, and React application.
- Hardware made on NodeMcu with LUA program code. Programming on this device is partly similar to Node.Js.
- The API server runs on the Node.js with Express and MongoDb. All applications run on the Raspberry Pi.
- Frontend made on React.js with TypeScript, Hooks, Redux and React Router. Google OAuth is used for server authentication. GraphQL is used in About page with connection to GitHub stats.
GraphQL part (info pages doesn't work om Git Hub Pages, please download and use your secrets to work with GitHub GraphQL stats)
Repo: https://github.com/aiscorp/water-meter-iot
Site: https://aiscorp.github.io/water-meter-iot
Technology stack: React.JS, Redux
It's test task for frontend React position.
Task: design and render the flight search results page. The page should contain flight cards, and a filter block
. Filtering and sorting should not cause the page to reload. Filters should be based on input data.
Source data: mock file with a list of flights, layout with filter and sorting blocks.
Repo: https://github.com/aiscorp/gridnine-systems-test
Site: https://aiscorp.github.io/gridnine-systems-test
Technology stack: React.JS, React Router, JWT, AXIOS
Create an application with a router, JWT authorization, and axios with an additional middleware.
Provide private routing with redirection to the authorization page, if the user is authorized to display information about it.
The server API works over http and becouse of that GH pages doesn't work properly.
Repo: https://github.com/aiscorp/vision-web-test
Site: https://aiscorp.github.io/vision-web-test
Technology stack: VUE.js
Create an todo list with adding and deletting items
Repo: https://github.com/aiscorp/vue-todo-list
Site: https://aiscorp.github.io/vue-todo-list
Technology stack: Nuxt.js
Create full functional shop on NUXT.js
Repo: https://github.com/aiscorp/nuxt-shop Site: https://aiscorp.github.io/nuxt-shop