on this project i will be doing test for JavaScript files with the library jest
- javaScript
- jest
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
before starting be sure to have a code editor (any works).
be sure to have in your locar computer git desktop or bash any works. this will help when cloning the repository.
grab the link of this proyect, this can be found on the page of the repository.
put this line of code in you terminal on the directory you want to.
git clone [url of the project](git@github.com:aizjicod/to-do-list.git)
once you have cloned the repository open it on your code editor of preference and then follow the next steps.
run on your terminal the next line of code
`npm install`
when you have installed the dependencies, you can now run the repository in your terminal run the next line of code.
`npm test`
👤 Alejandro torres
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- thanks a lot for microverse since this README file was a template from them.
This project is MIT licensed.