A script to create a slideshow video from a bunch of images, using ffmpeg.
The script has command line options:
$ python ImtoSV.py -h
usage: ImtoSV.py [-h] [-c CONF] [-f FOLDER] [-rp REPEATED_SLIDE]
A slide show creator, from pictures having uniform size and format. Uses
ffmpeg. There is a default fade in and fade out effect that you will need to
edit code to change.
positional arguments:
The mode in which you want to the script to operate.
create-config, will create a .conf file with the
default values for the slideshow. You can then edit
that config for custom times. slideshow-from-folder,
this is an easy way to just create a default slideshow
from a dir of files. slideshow-from-conf, here a
config file can be read in
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONF, --conf CONF The location of the conf file, Final / expected.
-f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
The location of the images, Final / expected.
Optional, name of the image you want repeated between
each slide. Does nothing when reading config
-sd SLIDE_DUR, --slide_dur SLIDE_DUR
Duration each slide will display for. Does nothing
when reading config
-fd FADE_DUR, --fade_dur FADE_DUR
Duration of the fade-out and fade-in effect. Does
nothing when reading config
-fo FILE_NAME, --file_name FILE_NAME
The output filename, with ext
Extension for input files. Does nothing when reading