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Ajna Protocol security audits

1. Sherlock 1st contest (Jan 9, 2023 - Jan 30, 2023)

Scope: Protocol and Grant Coordination Fund Contracts

Findings: 11 High, 22 Medium

Finding Severity Resolution
Issue H-1: RewardsManager doesn't delete old bucket snapshot info on unstaking High Fixed
Issue H-2: Anyone who approved quote tokens to a pool can be forced to take High Fixed
Issue H-3: CryptoPunks NFTs may be stolen via deposit frontrunning High Fixed
Issue H-4: scaledQuoteTokenAmount isn't updated to be collateral sell value in the quote token constraint case of _calculateTakeFlowsAndBondChange High Fixed
Issue H-5: removeCollateral miss bankrupcy logic and can make future LPs sharing losses with the current ones High Fixed
Issue H-6: Executing funded standard proposals can be prevented by a proposal slate with duplicate proposals High Fixed
Issue H-7: ERC721Pool's mergeOrRemoveCollateral allows to remove collateral while auction is clearable High Fixed
Issue H-8: Remaining collateral used by ERC721Pool is missed in Auctions take and bucketTake return structures High Fixed
Issue H-9: moveQuoteToken() can cause bucket to go bankrupt but it is not reflected in the accounting High Fixed
Issue H-10: ERC721Pool's take will proceed with truncated collateral amount and full debt when borrower's collateral is fractional High Fixed
Issue H-11: The deposit / withdraw / trade transaction lack of expiration timestamp check and slippage control High Fixed
Issue M-1: Buypunk function of Cryptopunks in ERC721Pool is used incorrectly Medium Fixed
Issue M-2: ERC721Pool taker callback misreports quote funds whenever there was collateral amount rounding Medium Fixed
Issue M-3: Anyone can transfer approved LP tokens Medium Fixed
Issue M-4: Incorrect MOMP calculation in neutral price calculation Medium Fixed
Issue M-5: Extraordinary proposals can receive more tokens than eligible Medium Fixed
Issue M-6: Claiming rewards from a future not yet existing epoch prevents claiming rewards for those epochs later on Medium Fixed
Issue M-7: Calculating new rewards is susceptible to precision loss due to division before multiplication Medium Fixed
Issue M-8: Claiming accumulated rewards while the contract is underfunded can lead to a loss of rewards Medium Fixed
Issue M-9: Incorrect Validation in Pool.sol#transferLPs lead to a DOS attack Medium Fixed
Issue M-10: Adversary can grief kicker by frontrunning kickAuction call with a large amount of loan Medium Fixed
Issue M-11: Settled collateral of a borrower aren't available for lenders until borrower's debt is fully cleared Medium Fixed
Issue M-12: Deposits are eliminated before currently unclaimed reserves when there is no reserve auction Medium No fix, Docs updated
Issue M-13: Flashloan end result isn't controlled Medium Fixed
Issue M-14: Interest rates can be raised above the market as a griefing, disabling the pool Medium Fixed
Issue M-15: Interest rate for pool is bounded wrongly Medium Fixed
Issue M-16: Auction timers following liquidity can fall through the floor price causing pool insolvency Medium No fix, Docs updated
Issue M-17: If borrower or kicker got blacklisted by asset contract their collateral or bond funds can be permanently frozen with the pool Medium Fixed
Issue M-18: user can drawDebt that is below dust amount Medium Fixed
Issue M-19: Quadratic voting tally done wrong Medium Fixed
Issue M-20: CryptoKitty and CryptoFighter NFT can be paused, which block borrowing / repaying / liquidating action in the ERC721Pool when borrowers still forced to pay the compounding interest Medium Fixed
Issue M-21: Minting an NFT with a position on the same bucket as a previously minted NFT changes its deposit time Medium Fixed
Issue M-22: Memorializing an NFT position on the same bucket of a previously memorialized NFT locks redemption Medium Fixed

2. Trail Of Bits Audit (Feb 13, 2023 - April 3, 2023)

Scope: Protocol and Grant Coordination Fund Contracts

Findings: 1 High, 1 Medium, 3 Lows

Finding Severity Resolution
TOB-AJNA-1: Solidity compiler optimizations can be problematic Undetermined No fix (contracts exceed spurious dragon limit)
TOB-AJNA-2: findIndexAndSumOfSums ignores global scalar Informational No fix, improved invariant testing
TOB-AJNA-3: Incorrect inflator arithmetic in view functions Low Fixed
TOB-AJNA-4: Interest rates can become extreme, allowing DoS attacks Medium Fixed
TOB-AJNA-5: Older versions of external libraries are used Informational OZ updated to 4.8.2 in contracts repo. PRBMaths not updated (requires code change)
TOB-AJNA-6: Extraordinary proposal can be used to steal extraordinary amounts of Ajna High Fixed
TOB-AJNA-7: findMechanismOfProposal function could shadow an extraordinary proposal Low Fixed
TOB-AJNA-8: Array lengths are not checked in LP allowance update functions Low Fixed


UPDATE_CLAIM_REWARD state var should be constant
Check for 0x address in RewardsManager constructor
Use consistent variable and function naming conventions
Ensure that comments in code always reflect the code’s intended behavior
Use defined helper functions instead of duplicating code
Emit event when Flashloan taken
In Funding.sol#L117 perform check for an invalid proposal outside the loop

3. Quantstamp Audit (April 24, 2023 - May 3, 2023)

Scope: Grant Coordination Fund Contracts

Findings: 3 High, 4 Lows, 4 Informational, 2 Undetermined

Finding Severity Resolution
AJN-1: Delegate Rewards Calculation Takes Into Account All Funding Voters High Fixed
AJN-2: Locked Funds Due to Non-Executable Proposals High Fixed
AJN-3: Impact of Unaccounted Delegation Rewards on Treasury and GBC Calculation High Fixed
AJN-4: Gas Usage / Loop Concerns Low Acknowledged
AJN-5: Missing Input Validation Low Fixed
AJN-6: Inconsistent Time Period Low Fixed
AJN-7: Zero ERC20 Transfer Low Fixed
AJN-8: Old Version of Solidity Informational Fixed
AJN-9: Multiple Possible 0-1 Knapsack Solutions, but only the First One Gets Accepted Informational Fixed
AJN-10: Outdated Proposal Hashing Function Informational Fixed
AJN-11: Greedy Contract Informational Acknowledged
AJN-12: Extraordinary Funding Proposal Success Condition Discrepancies Undetermined Fixed
AJN-13: Success of the Extraordinary Funding Is Susceptible to Treasury Balance Variability Undetermined Fixed

4. Prototech Audit (April 26, 2023 - June 5, 2023)

Findings: 1 Critical, 3 High, 2 Medium, 15 Low, 12 Informational

Finding Severity Resolution
PROTOTECH-37: Position Manager allows for stealing all LPs Critical Fixed
PROTOTECH-57: Collateral Can Be Extracted Without Redeeming LP Shares High Fixed
PROTOTECH-42: General Recommendation: Rounding In Favor of the Interacting User Is Dangerous High Fixed
PROTOTECH-39: Pools round against themselves and in favor of borrower High Fixed
PROTOTECH-46: Unsafe casts in KickerActions Medium Fixed
PROTOTECH-18: Missing Scaling for ERC-721 Pools’ Quote Token on repayment Medium Fixed
PROTOTECH-55: Extremely large debt positions could prevent new borrowers to a pool while severely limiting existing borrowers Low Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-53: Large position size may discourage kicking because of the resulting large bond size Low Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-51: Limitations on NFT subset pool size Low Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-50: TokenIdsAllowed returns false for eligible Collection Pool NFT’s Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-49: .decimals() is an optional feature of ERC20 Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-45: Revert after instead of on expire_ Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-44: Unsafe Casts In RewardsManager Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-43: PositionManager.moveLiquidity() May Leave Internal State Inconsistent Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-38: Loan Origination Fee Has Extreme Values At High Interest Rates Low Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-20: New Borrower Debt overcounted with < 18 decimal Quote Tokens Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-19: removeCollateral can be used to bypass dust protection check in addCollateral Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-17: Non-18 Decimal Quote Token Debt cannot be FULLY repaid as expected Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-16: Any Address Can Execute memorializePositions For Another Address Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-14: Correction to Meaningful Deposit for In-Auction Debt Neglects Inflator Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-12: Below-LUP Deposit Fee Has Extreme Values At High Interest Rates Low Fixed
PROTOTECH-56: Think through the various implications block.timestamp and network downtime Informational Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-52: Streamline NFT Collection Pool Creation Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-35: Code Improvement: consider implementing isValidSignature directly Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-33: isValidSignature doesn’t check for well formed signature Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-32: Code clean up - RewardsManager Reentrancy Guard Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-31: Code Redundancy: ERC721 is inherited multiple times in PositionManager Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-29: Code Inconsistency: PermitERC721 uses require where elsewhere custom errors are adopted Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-27: ERC Compliance: PermitERC721 and PositionManager implementations doesn’t match with ERC-4494 Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-26: Reserve Auction DOS Attack Informational Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-25: Unit Tests & non-18 decimals tokens Informational Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-23: Solidity Version: consider 0.8.16-0.8.18 for deployment Informational Fixed
PROTOTECH-47: Avoid param structs/tuples on external functions Informational Fixed


Finding Category Resolution
PROTOTECH-54: Consider checking token id sort order in the pool Gas Optimization Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-48: Consider granularizing Info functions Gas Optimization Acknowledged
PROTOTECH-36: Consider removing redundant check in PermitERC721 Gas Optimization Fixed
PROTOTECH-28: Consider using block.chainid instead of inline assembly chainid Gas Optimization Fixed
PROTOTECH-21: bytes32ToString can be improved to reduce gas costs Gas Optimization Fixed
PROTOTECH-34: Informational Non-security Code Changes/Recommendations Code Quality Fixed
PROTOTECH-59: Consider declaring RAY constant directly Code Quality Fixed

5. Code4rena Audit (May 3, 2023 - May 11, 2023)

Findings: 11 High, 14 Medium, 54 Low

Note: Grant fund extraordinary mechanism and move staked liquidity functionalities were reevaluated and removed

Finding Severity Resolution
H-01: PositionManager's moveLiquidity can freeze funds by removing destination index even when the move was partial High Fixed
H-02: PositionManager's moveLiquidity can set wrong deposit time and permanently freeze LP funds moved High Fixed
H-03: Position NFT can be spammed with insignificant positions by anyone until rewards DoS High Fixed
H-04: Delegation rewards are not counted toward granting fund High Fixed
H-05: Incorrect calculation of the remaining updatedRewards leads to possible underflow error High Fixed
H-06: The lender could possibly lose unclaimed rewards in case a bucket goes bankrupt High Acknowledged
H-07: User can exponentially increase the value of their position through the memorializePositions function High Fixed
H-08: Claiming accumulated rewards while the contract is underfunded can lead to a loss of rewards High Fixed
H-09: User can avoid bankrupting by calling PositionManager.moveLiquidity where to index is bankrupted index High Fixed
H-10: missing isEpochClaimed validation High Fixed
H-11: RewardsManager fails to validate pool_ when updating exchange rates allowing rewards to be drained High Fixed
M-01: It is possible to steal the unallocated part of every delegation period budget Medium Fixed
M-02: Delegate rewards system is unfair to delegates with less tokens and reduces decentralization Medium Fixed
M-03: _updateBucketExchangeRateAndCalculateRewards reward calculation accuracy loss Medium Fixed
M-04: Potential unfair distribution of Rewards due to MEV in updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim Medium Acknowledged
M-05: Calculating new rewards is susceptible to precision loss due to division before multiplication Medium Fixed
M-06: An Optimizer Bug in PositionManager.getPositionIndexesFiltered Medium Fixed
M-07: StandardFunding.screeningVote function and ExtraordinaryFunding.voteExtraordinary function when block.number equals respective start block and when block.number is bigger than respective start block can result in different available votes for same voter Medium Fixed
M-08: The voting thresholds in Ajna's Extraordinary Funding Mechanism can be manipulated to execute proposals below the expected threshold Medium Fixed
M-09: Adversary can prevent the creation of any extraordinary funding proposal by frontrunning proposeExtraordinary() Medium Fixed
M-10: Unsafe casting from uint256 to uint128 in RewardsManager Medium Fixed
M-11: StandardFunding.fundingVote should not allow users who didn't vote in screening stage to vote Medium Fixed
M-12: Governance attack on Extraordinary Proposals Medium Fixed
M-13: PositionManager & PermitERC721 Failure to comply with the EIP-4494 Medium Fixed
M-14: PositionManager.moveLiquidity could revert due to underflow Medium Fixed
QA-2: AMBIGUITY IN StandardFunding._standardProposalState FUNCTION QA Fixed
QA-3: ExtraordinaryFundingProposal.votesReceived IN ExtraordinaryFunding CONTRACT IS uint120 INSTEAD OF uint128 QA Fixed
QA-4: CALLING ExtraordinaryFunding.proposeExtraordinary AND StandardFunding.proposeStandard FUNCTIONS CAN REVERT AND WASTE GAS QA Acknowledged
QA-5: CODE COMMENT IN ExtraordinaryFunding._extraordinaryProposalSucceeded FUNCTION CAN BE INCORRECT QA Fixed
QA-7: SETTING support TO 1 WHEN voteParams_.votesUsed < 0 IS FALSE IN StandardFunding._fundingVote FUNCTION IS REDUNDANT QA Acknowledged
QA-8: REDUNDANT EXECUTION OF if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower() IN StandardFunding._fundingVote FUNCTION QA Fixed
QA-11: uint256 CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF uint QA Fixed
G-1: Use calldata instead of memory for function arguments that do not get mutated Gas Fixed
G-2: State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage Gas Fixed
G-3: Refactor internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD Gas Fixed
G-4: Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas Gas Fixed
G-5: Avoid emitting storage values Gas Acknowledged
G-6: Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer Gas Fixed
G-7: Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate Gas Fixed
G-8: Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead Gas Acknowledged
G-9: Use do while loops instead of for loops Gas Acknowledged
G-10: Use assembly to perform efficient back-to-back calls Gas Acknowledged
G-11: Refactor event to avoid emitting data that is already present in transaction data Gas Acknowledged
G-12: Refactor event to avoid emitting empty data Gas Acknowledged
G-13: Sort array offchain to check duplicates in O(n) instead of O(n^2) Gas Acknowledged

6. Sherlock 2nd contest (June 5, 2023 - June 22, 2023)

Scope: Protocol and Grant Coordination Fund Contracts

Findings: 6 High, 6 Medium

Finding Severity Resolution
Issue H-1: Pool's kickWithDeposit misses liquidation debt check High Fixed
Issue H-2: kickWithDeposit removes the deposit without HTP pool state check High Fixed
Issue H-3: moveQuoteToken updates pool state using intermediary LUP, biasing pool's interest rate calculations High Fixed
Issue H-4: Settlement can be called when auction period isn't concluded, allowing HPB depositors to game bad debt settlements High Fixed
Issue H-5: LUP is not recalculated after adding kicking penalty to pool's debt, so kick() updates the pool state with an outdated LUP High Fixed
Issue H-6: Debt write off can be prohibited by HPB depositor by continuously allocating settlement blocking dust deposits in the higher buckets High Fixed
Issue M-1: Lenders lose interests and pay deposit fees due to no slippage control Medium Fixed
Issue M-2: Due to excessive HTP check moveQuoteToken can be unavailable for big deposits Medium Fixed
Issue M-3: Limit index isn't checked in repayDebt, so user control is void Medium Fixed
Issue M-4: LenderActions's moveQuoteToken can create a total debt undercoverage Medium Fixed
Issue M-5: Wrong Inflator used in calculating HTP to determine accrualIndex in accrueInterest Medium Fixed
Issue M-6: KickerActions uses wrong check to prevent Kickers from using deposits below LUP for KickWithDeposit Medium Fixed

7. Fixed Point Solutions & Servo Farms (August 7, 2023 - August 31, 2023)

Scope: Position Manager, Rewards Manager(since depriciated) and Grant Coordination Fund Contracts

Findings: 2 Low, 8 Informational, 6 Gas Optimization

Findings Severity Resolution
L-01: getDelegateReward Does Not Account for Voter's Screening Votes Low Fixed
L-02: UpdateExchangeRate Event Can Be Emitted With Indexes That Weren’t Updated Low Fixed
I-01: AlreadyVoted Error Is Unused Informational Fixed
I-02: GrantFund: Potential Tally Incompatibility Informational Acknowledged
I-03: GrantFund Script: Misleading Transfer Suggestion Informational Fixed
I-04: Deleting Structs with Internal Mappings Does Not De lete Underlying Mapping Data Informational
I-05: BurnWrapper: Is ERC20Burnable required Informational Acknowledged
I-06: Missing Documentation of External Calls In PositionManager Functions Informational Fixed
I-07: PositionManager: Missing Tests of ERC721 Pools Informational Fixed
I-08: Increase Usability by Removing poolSubsetHash_ Requirement for Most Pools Informational Acknowledged
Gas-01: Unnecessary Check and Storage Usage For Surplus Update Status Informational Acknowledged
Gas-02: Absolute Value Function Does Not Support All Input Values and Can Be Optimized Informational Acknowledged
Gas-03: Redundant Check in _updateBucketExchangeRates Informational Fixed
Gas-04: RewardsManager: Reliance on nested helpers obfuscates code duplication Informational Fixed
Gas-05: BurnWrapper: Unnecessary Constructor Parameter Informational Acknowledged
Gas-06: Convert _nextId from uint176 to uint256 Informational Acknowledged

8. Kirill (October 6, 2023 - December 21, 2023)

Scope: Protocol Contracts

Findings: 1 High, 7 Medium, 17 Low, 18 Informational

Findings Summary

Findings Severity Resolution
H-01: Large borrowers bear a substantial economic risk of spurious liquidations High Acknowledged
M-01: Reserve auction starting price calculation contradicts the whitepaper Medium Fixed
M-02: Positions with threshold price below MIN_PRICE cannot be kicked Medium Fixed
M-03: ERC20 pool creation may be grieved by frontrunners Medium Acknowledged
M-04: Bond reward amount implicitly depends on the order of takes Medium Fixed
M-05: addCollateral allows to manipulate LUP and bypass deposit fee Medium Fixed
M-06: Dust collateral checks may lead to unexpected reverts in external integrations Medium Acknowledged
M-07: Liquidation of positions with bad debt can cause losses for HPB depositors Medium Fixed
L-01: Dust checks for quote tokens are inconsistent Low Fixed
L-02: Some unit tests are not properly executed Low Fixed
L-03: Redundant call to ecrecover in PermitERC721 Low Acknowledged
L-04: PermitERC721 allows replay attacks Low Acknowledged
L-05: maxQuoteToken_ parameter in _lpToQuoteToken is redundant Low Fixed
L-06: Outdated prb-math external dependency Low Acknowledged
L-07: Unbounded storage list iteration in getDeployedPoolsList Low Fixed
L-08: Reserve auction kick condition can be simplified Low Fixed
L-09: Inconsistency between auction curve price calculations Low Acknowledged
L-10: Missing boundary check on auctionPrice Low Acknowledged
L-11: _rebalanceTokens does nothing in ERC721Pool::take Low Acknowledged
L-12: Confusing rounding in _indexOf Low Acknowledged
L-13: Non-optimal takeReserves in case Ajna token is also the quote token in the pool Low Acknowledged
L-14: Error-prone logic in memorializePositions Low Acknowledged
L-15: Bucket bankruptcy checks are inconsistent Low Acknowledged
L-16: Unassigned return value in findIndexAndSumOfSum Low Acknowledged
L-17: kickReserveAuction uses outdated pool state Low Acknowledged
I-01: Precompute value of PRBMathSD59x18.log2(FLOAT_STEP_INT) Informational Acknowledged
I-02: Simplify EMAs weight calculation Informational Acknowledged
I-03: Unused error and event definitions Informational Fixed
I-04: Assembly optimization in lsb Informational Acknowledged
I-05: Gas optimization in _auctionPrice Informational Acknowledged
I-06: Unnecessary cap for unutilized deposit fee Informational Fixed
I-07: Simplify _getCollateralDustPricePrecisionAdjustment Informational Acknowledged
I-08: Simplify index boundary checks in _priceAt Informational Acknowledged
I-09: Redundant SSTORE in ERC721Pool::repayDebt Informational Acknowledged
I-10: Reimplement ERC721::removeCollateral using LenderActions.removeMaxCollateral Informational Acknowledged
I-11: Miners / validators / sequencers are able to manipulate block timestamps to extract MEV Informational Acknowledged
I-12: Simplify condition in _updateT0Debt2ToCollateral Informational Acknowledged
I-13: Maths usage optimization Informational Acknowledged
I-14: Redundant checks in prefixSum Informational Acknowledged
I-15: Redundant pool_ function parameter in PositionManager Informational Acknowledged
I-16: Redundant return values in findIndexAndSumOfSum Informational Acknowledged
I-17: Duplicated lpToQuoteTokens computation in _removeMaxDeposit Informational Acknowledged
I-18: Unused local variables Informational Fixed

9. Certora (October 6, 2023 - December 21, 2023)

Scope: Protocol Contracts

Findings: 1 High, 3 Low, 10 Informational, 4 Gas Optimization

Findings Summary

Findings Severity Resolution
H-01: A manipulation on LUP and HTP can drain the reserves in favor of an attacker High Fixed
L-01: Calculation of the repay-amount in bucketTake() is not bounded as intended Low Fixed
L-02: A deposit take can lead to HTP crossing the LUP Low Acknowledged
L-03: MoveQuoteTokens can lose small amount of deposits, pushing LUP below HTP in an edge case Low Acknowledged
I-01: Lender may raise HTP to steal interest rewards from lender buckets under LUP Informational Acknowledged
I-02: An attacker can kick everyone in the system, forcing lenders into a risk/gamble Informational Acknowledged
I-03: Minimal borrow amount mitigation could be avoided by first depositor Informational Acknowledged
I-04: Minimal borrow amount mitigation could be somewhat bypassed Informational Acknowledged
I-05: positionIndexes and positions aren’t deleted when deleting positionTokens Informational Acknowledged
I-06: TakerActions.sol TakerLocalVars.factor is unused Informational Fixed
I-07: Use string.concat() or bytes.concat() instead of abi.encodePacked Informational Acknowledged
I-08: Default Visibility for constants Informational Acknowledged
I-09: Event is never emitted Informational Acknowledged
I-10: Change uint to uint256 Informational Acknowledged
Gas-01: State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable Informational Acknowledged
Gas-02: uint256 to bool mapping: Utilizing Bitmaps to save on Gas Informational Acknowledged
Gas-03: Increments/decrements can be unchecked in for-loops Informational Acknowledged
Gas-04: ++i costs less gas compared to i++ or i += 1 Informational Acknowledged

10. Sherlock 3rd contest (October 13, 2023 - October 27, 2023)

Scope: Protocol Contracts

Findings: 1 High, 4 Medium

Findings Summary

Findings Severity Resolution
H-1: Reserves can be stolen by settling artificially created bad debt from them High Fixed
M-1: Wrong auctionPrice used in calculating BPF to determine bond reward (or penalty) Medium Fixed
M-2: Incorrect implementation of BPF leads to kicker losing rewards in a take action Medium Disputed
M-3: HPB may be incorrectly bankrupt due to use of unscaled value in _forgiveBadDebt Medium Fixed
M-4: First pool borrower pays extra interest Medium Fixed


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