Have a look here
Trailr is a CRUD app build with Ruby and microframework Sinatra that allows people who are feeling isolated or lonely to browse popular walking trails and join as pairs to the posted 'open-hikes' or (when restrictions are lifted from COVID19) as groups of 5, 10, 15 to go walking/ hiking together.
- Ruby/ Sinatra
- PostgreSQL
- Google Maps Embed API
- BCrypt password hashing
Using the app you will notice that you can create, read, update and delete posts as as mentioned before it has all the fundamental features of a CRUD application. As development progresses I would ideally like to add features where the user can have a profile page and have all their favorite trails stored there along with the open-hike events and the date they will be attending them (Notifications and reminders included). Also ideally there would be a comment and rating capability for users to use.
Hidden Features
- To get to home screen click on the TRAILR logo
- Everything else should be taken at face value.
Check out my figma wireframe
Here is the initial trello board
..and the most up to date (evergrowing) trello board
- Implement desired features that were leftover after 2.5 day sprint finished.
- For all else see trello board