Useless Virtual Circuits
If everything ok, this evolve to emulator of a simple computer.
Implemented elements:
- basic logic gates (NOT and AND)
- other logic gates based on basic ones
- clocking device, mux, demux and flip-flops
- register and vectorized versions of logic operations
- bits manipulations (shifts and rotations)
- arithmetics (adder, two's complement etc.)
- simple ALU
- memory
- control unit and cpu under construction...
ALU control codes:
- 0000 AND (bitwise AND)
- 1000 OR (bitwise OR)
- 0100 XOR (bitwise XOR)
- 1100 NOT (bitwise NOT)
- 0010 SHL (shift left)
- 1010 SHR (shift right)
- 0110 ROL (rotate left)
- 1110 ROR (rotate right)
- 0001 ADD (add to numbers)
- 1001 SUB (subtract two numbers: op2-op1)
- 0101 INC (increment)
- 1101 DEC (decrement)
- 0011 CMPNZ (check if is not zero)
- 1011 SIGN (return sign bit)
- 0111 OP1 (pass operand 1)
- 1111 OP2 (pass operand 2)