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A compiler to compile a simple subset of scheme to LLVM 10

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The scheme-to-llvm compiler is a compiler from a small subset of Scheme to LLVM's assembly form intermediate representation. The compiler was original developed for an invited workshop at 2020 edition of the European Lisp Symposium: ELS2020, and you can find slides for the talk and a link to the presentation video. The compiler is based on a student compiler written to use the nanopass framework, but enhanced to use some of the techniques from Chez Scheme, which is also the host compiler.

Source Language

Expr -> <x>
      | <imm>
      | (quote <d>)
      | (if <Expr> <Expr>)
      | (if <Expr> <Expr> <Expr>)
      | (and <Expr>* ...)
      | (or <Expr>* ...)
      | (not <Expr>)
      | (set! <x> <Expr>)
      | (begin <Expr>* ... <Expr>)
      | (lambda (<x>* ...) <Expr>* ... <Expr>)
      | (let ([<x>* <Expr>*] ...) <Expr>* ... <Expr>)
      | (letrec ([<x>* <Expr>*] ...) <Expr>* ... <Expr>)
      | (<Expr> <Expr>* ...)
      | (<pr> <Expr>* ...)

Where x is a variable, imm is an immediate, d is a Scheme datum in our target language, and pr is a primitive.

  • An immediate is a signed 60-bit integer (fixnum), a boolean (#t or #f), or null ('()).
  • Datum is a pair of datum, a vector of datum, or an immediate
  • Variables are represented as Scheme symbols.
  • Primitives are also represented as Scheme symbols, though they are limited to the following table:
primitive arity argument types return type
+ 2 fixnum, fixnum fixnum
- 2 fixnum, fixnum fixnum
* 2 fixnum, fixnum fixnum
cons 2 any, any pair
pair? 1 any boolean
car 1 pair any
set-car! 2 pair, any void
cdr 1 pair any
set-cdr! 2 pair, any void
make-vector 1 fixnum vector
vector? 1 any boolean
vector-length 1 vector fixnum
vector-ref 2 vector, fixnum any
vector-set! 3 vector, fixnum, any void
void 0 void
< 2 fixnum, fixnum boolean
<= 2 fixnum, fixnum boolean
= 2 fixnum, fixnum boolean
>= 2 fixnum, fixnum boolean
> 2 fixnum, fixnum boolean
eq? 2 any, any boolean
boolean? 1 any boolean
fixnum? 1 any boolean
null? 1 any boolean
procedure? 1 any boolean

Building and Using the Compiler

In order to run the compiler you need the following dependencies:

With those installed, you can load compiler into Chez Scheme as follows (assuming you are starting from the scheme-to-llvm directory).

$ scheme --libdirs <path-to-nanopass-framework>:src/main/scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.5.3
Copyright 1984-2019 Cisco Systems, Inc.

> (import (c))  ;; import the example compiler
> (tiny-compile
    '(letrec ([factorial (lambda (n)
                           (if (= n 0)
                               (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))])
       (factorial 10)))

Note that under the covers the tiny-compile produces a file called t.ll, uses clang to compile and link this LLVM IR code into an executable in t. This application writes the result of the program to a temporary output file, and tiny-compile uses the Chez Scheme reader to pull read the result.


There is also a set of tests included in the compiler (originally from the student compiler), which you can run with test-all or analyze-all. test-all will run all of the tests until one fails, while analyze-all will run all of the tests and print . for successful tests, F for tests that produced the incorrect results and E for tests that raised an exception. Optionally test-all can also be passed a boolean to indicate if it should be noisy, which when #t will print each test as it begins compiling and running it.

Finally, passes can be traced with the traced-passes parameter, any pass that is traced will print the output produced by the pass. traced-passes attempts to be flexible in specifying the passes:

  • (traced-passes 'pass-name) will add 'pass-name to the list of traced passes if it is not in the list, or remove it from the list if it already is;
  • (traced-passes '(pass-name1 pass-name2 ... pass-nameN)) is equivalent to calling trace-passes on each 'pass-nameJ;
  • (traced-passes '()) or (traced-passes #f) clears all tracing;
  • (traced-passes #t) traces all passes; and
  • (traced-passes) returns the current list of passes.

You can see the full list of passes by referencing the variable all-passes

Source Layout

The source layout is very simple in this example compiler. All of the source code is in the src/main/scheme directory. The entire compiler and tests are in the file c.sls. The parse-scheme pass makes use of the s-expression pattern matcher defined in match.sls, and various parts of the compiler make use of some of the type and primitive definitions in d.sls. If you look at d.sls you'll notice there are a number of data types and primitives not supported in the current compiler. This was a very simple start at building a more complete Scheme implementation, but is, as of yet, unimplemented.


A compiler to compile a simple subset of scheme to LLVM 10






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