KwaiiOS is a hobbyist 32-bit, uniprocessor, operating system made for educational purposes. Its final goal is to be a UNIX-like operating system. It's tested on an Intel Q35 chipset virtual machine. IT'S FULL OF BUGS.
Multiboot headers aren't being handled yet so you have to load the kernel elf file directly to qemu in order to load it. -
¯\_(° ͜ʖ °)_/¯
- A GNU/Linux environment
- GCC (with cross-compiling)
- GNU Make
- xorriso
$ sudo apt-get install nasm mkisofs gcc-multilib
$ make # Haven't expected that, have you?
You can run it using qemu or bochs
$ qemu-system-i386 -enable-kvm -d cpu_reset -boot d -kernel kernel/kernel.elf -m 16
$ bochs -f bochsrc -q
Note about qemu: You can omitt the -enable-kvm
parameter if you don't have KVM or don't want to. Also the memory size is, for now, hard coded into the source code so changing the memory size from 16 in -m 16
to anything else migh break up some stuff.
- Intel x86
- ARMv7-A
Archticture-depndent features:
- Multitasking
- Multithreading
- Monolithic design
- Virtual File System
- PS/2 Keyboard
The code of KawaiiOS is far from ready there's a lot of things that should be fixed and changed and the work is still in progress.