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#gradle-onejar Maintainer Status Build Status Latest Version License

Gradle plugin for generating single jar for JVM-based application.

##Content of this document

Why gradle-onejar?

If you are already using gradle, you know that it's not that difficult to create a gradle script that packs your JVM application as a distributable self-contained runnable package.

Things get more complicated, if you need to automatically assemble and deliver platform-specific, CPU-architecture-specific, language-specific versions of the same JVM program. This is where gradle-onejar can greatly simplify things, because it supports configuration of so-called "products".


Add the following to "build.gradle" of your web-application:

apply from: ''

then run from the command-line:

gradle build

Effect: gradle-onejar first compiles the current project to usual location "build/libs", then it assembles current project's JAR and all it's dependencies into single JAR with name:


Alternatively, you can download the script from to the project directory and include it like this:

apply from: 'gradle-onejar.plugin'

You can also copy (and modify) the declarations from the script "gradle-onejar.plugin" to your "build.gradle".


gradle-onejar inserts the following tasks into java/groovy application lifecycle:

task diagram

the yellow boxes denote standard java/groovy tasks, the blue boxes denote gradle-onejar tasks.

The tasks copyExplodedResources, productBuild and productArchive are internal - you normally never call them directly.

Below is information on each task.

###productBuild task

The task productBuild archives jar-files of the current project and of all it's dependencies in a "superjar" denoted by path "${project.projectDir}/build/output/${}-${project.version}/${}.jar".

Additionally this task creates three files:

  1. "${}.bat" file for launching the program under Windows.
  2. "${}.sh" file for launching the program under Linux.
  3. "VERSION" file containing version information.

###productArchive task

The task productArchive archives the files generated by task productBuild into a single .zip or .tag.gz file. Exact file extension is chosen depending on the platform. See chapter configuration for more information.

###copyExplodedResources task

The task copyExplodedResources copies additional files to the directory "${project.projectDir}/build/output", so that these files get packed by task productArchive.

###run task

This task starts the application via JavaExec task, passing project classpath and mainclass as task properties.

###debug task

This task starts the application via JavaExec task, passing project classpath and mainclass as task properties. Additionally it sets property "debug" to "true", so that the programmer can debug the application under NetBeans, Eclipse or any other IDE, supporting java debugging.


gradle-onejar requires the following configuration:

ext {
  mainClass = 'mypackage.MyClass'

here mypackage.MyClass should denote an existing java class implementing static main function.

gradle-onejar supports (but not requires) the following configuration extension:

onejar {
  mainJar ...
  manifest {
    attributes attrName1: attrValue1 [, ...]
  product name: 'productName', suffix: ..., platform: ..., arch: ..., language: ..., fileSuffix: ..., launchers: [ ... ], configBaseName: ..., explodedResource: [...], explodedResources: [...]
  archiveProducts true|false
  additionalProductFiles ... [, ...]
  excludeProductFile ... [, ...]
  launchParameter 'param1'
  launchParameter 'param2'
  jvmMinMemory '512m'
  jvmMaxMemory '1024m'
  beforeProductGeneration Closure
  onProductGeneration Closure

The whole "onejar" configuration is optional. Even if it is omitted, gradle-onejar generates the default product with the default properties. Below is the detailed information on each configuration property.

mainJar - optional, java.lang.String or or Closure, returning String or File. When specified, this property defines which jar file contains main function. When omitted, project.tasks.jar.archivePath is used as main jar.

manifest - optional, closure. May contain call to "attributes" function, accepting hashmap of properties to be written to onejar manifest. When omitted, gradle-onejar does not alter onejar manifest.

product - optional, multiplicity 0..N, hashmap, accepting the following properties:

  • name - optional, string, denotes the name of the product. When omitted, project name is used.

  • suffix - optional, string, denotes the suffix to be added to the generated files/directorys.

  • platform - optional, string, denotes the target platform. Possible values are "windows" and "linux".

    • When omitted, the product is platform-neutral.
    • When specified, the value is appended to the name of generated directory/file name.
    • When equals to "windows", default launcher is ".bat" and target archive format is ".zip".
    • When equals to "linux", default launcher is ".sh" and target archive format is ".tag.gz".
  • arch - optional, string, denotes the target architecture.

    • When specified, the value is appended to the name of generated directory/file name.
  • language - optional, string, denotes the target language.

    • When specified, the value is added to JVM parameters in launcher scripts in the form -Duser.language=$language.
    • When specified, the value is appended to the name of generated directory/file name.
  • fileSuffix - optional, string denotes the suffix to be appended to the name of generated directory/file name. When omitted, default fileSuffix is appended: "-${suffix}-${platform}-${arch}-${language}".

  • launchers - optional, array, contains one or more strings "windows", "shell".

    • When omitted, launchers are defined by the selected platform.
    • When equals to "windows", the product is supplied with ".bat" launcher.
    • When equals to "shell", the product is supplied with ".sh" launcher.
  • configBaseName - optional, string, denotes base for gradle configuration name. The effective configuration name is calculated as "product_${configBaseName}${product.suffix}${platform}${arch}${language}"

    • When omitted, product name is used as configBaseName instead.
  • explodedResource(s) - optional string or array of strings. When specified, should denote relative file paths to the resources that are to be copied to product directory/archive without compression to jar. The paths are relative to the project directory.

archiveProducts - optional, boolean. When true, gradle-onejar packs the generated product to ".zip" or ".tar.gz" archive - depending on the specified platform. If platform is not specified, target format is ".tar.gz".

additionalProductFiles - optional, multiplicity 0..N, array of File or Closure objects. When specified, each element is resolved to a file, the latter is added to each product.

excludeProductFile - optional, multiplicity 0..N, array of File or Closure objects. When specified, each element is resolved to a file, the latter is excluded from each product.

launchParameter - optional, multiplicity 0..N, string or array of strings to be written to the launcher script (.bat or .sh), so that these parameters are passed to the program each time the program is started.

jvmMinMemory - optional, string. When specified, the value is added to JVM parameters in launcher scripts in the form -Xms$jvmMinMemory.

jvmMaxMemory - optional, string. When specified, the value is added to JVM parameters in launcher scripts in the form -Xmx$jvmMaxMemory.

beforeProductGeneration - optional, closure. When specified, the closure will be invoked after project is evaluated and before the products are generated. Note that even if there are multiple products specified, beforeProductGeneration is invoked only once.

onProductGeneration - optional closure. When specified, the closure will be invoked after each product generation. The closure receives two parameters: product hashmap and outputDir.

##Product-specific configuration

gradle-onejar supports concept of multiple products. Each product gets it's own "superjar". For example, if you define two products:

onejar {
  product name: 'v2_3'
  product name: 'v2_4'

then gradle-onejar will generate two products for you:


If you don't specify any products, gradle-onejar generates the default product for you.

You can tailor product-specific configurations within your project:

configurations {
  // product-specific configurations

dependencies {
  // dependencies common to all products
  compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.0'
  compile 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'
  // product-specific dependencies
  product_v2_3 'commons-io:commons-io:2.3'
  product_v2_4 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'

onejar {
  // each product automatically recognizes linked configuration and dependencies
  product suffix: 'v2_3'
  product suffix: 'v2_4'

Note that product-specific configurations are linked to gradle-onejar products by convension: the product with name "XYZ" recognizes and uses gradle configuration "product_XYZ"

##Copyright and License

Copyright 2014 (c) Andrey Hihlovskiy

All versions, present and past, of gretty-plugin are licensed under MIT license.

Many thanks to P. Simon Tuffs for OneJAR library and one-jar-ant-task: they are used by gradle-onejar.

I do not own "onejar" trademark nor am I affiliated with P. Simon Tuffs in any way.

The One-JAR license is a BSD-style license. Compliance with this license is assured by including the "one-jar-license.txt" file in the One-JAR archive. gradle-onejar does this automatically, putting this file in a "doc" directory in the archive. "one-jar-license.txt" is also included with the sources of gradle-onejar.