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42 ft_printf

Because I'm tired of using ft_putnbr and ft_putstr

This project aims at rebuilding the printf library. I tried to implement as much of the original as possible, and also have a few extra things which I found to be useful. Link to the project subject here.


Run make on the root directory of the project

$ make 

the Makefile will compile all the source files including those of Libft Library, then it creates a static library libftprintf.a.


Write your driver program containing main() function, should be something like this:

#include "ft_printf.h"

int  main(void)
     ft_printf("%s, This is %d ft_printf project ^_^", "Hello World", 42);
     return (0);

output: Hello World, this is 42 ft_printf project ^_^

For this program to compile you must compile it with libftprintf.a, like:

$ cc -Werror -Wall -Wextra main.c -lftprintf -L. -I./inc

Now all should be fine.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
