ligo is implemented as a subset of lisp language with some changes in
syntax. The syntax and usage is described in the documentation included
in the doc
- First of all fetch all the packages without installing.
go get -d
into the project directorycd $GOPATH/src/
- Build the interpreter
go install ./cmd/ligo
- Build the ligo plugin packages
This installs the ligo plugins in
cd $GOPATH/src/ ./
The ligo interpreter is installed in your $GOPATH/bin
A commandline call without any arguments starts a interactive interpreter session.
In that process it also initializes a interpreter by running a start script from the file
(like .bashrc
, in case of bash
). Any argument passed is treated
as a file and executes the contents in the file.
Simple example to get an input from the shell and
;; include all the required libraries
(require "base")
(printf "Hello %s!!" (input "Enter your name :"))
The bare interpreter has no functionalities (not even basic functionalities).
The "base"
package includes all the bare minimum functionality.
Writing packages for the interpreter in Go is very simple and is discussed
in this file
Please refer for guidelines.