Demo app:
Plantify is a browser plant's store, with globally managed state using React Context and neat styling.
- You can add plants to your cart and remove them. Plants are grouped if you add more than 1 of the particular type.
- You can filter the plants to easily find the one you're looking for
The project was developed as training of fetching and rendering third-party data in React (REST API created with Firebase). The state is globally managed with React Context and useReducer hook, instead of useState, as the state is can be too complicated for useState hook. Modals are being displayed using portals.
The styling approach that I chose for this project is CSS modules in React. It helps to encapsulate styling for a particular component while having your styling in separated file, not withing .js file.
- Real database
- Login and authentication
- Routing
- Payments with Stripe
You’ll need to have Node >= 10 on your local development machine.
First, you have to install the dependencies. You can do that by going to the root folder of the project and typing:
npm install
in the terminal.
To run the project in development mode, type:
npm start
in the project directory.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. You can see the Redux store and actions dispatched in the console of Developer tools of your browser.