Hi there! This is a library and a demo app to extract a cohesive color palette from a base color in dark / light mode!
This proyect was inspired by the new Material you design trend and free to use.
The extractor library returns a JSON with the following format:
"surface-1": "#262626",
"on-surface-1": "#ffffff",
"surface-2": "#333333",
"on-surface-2": "#ffffff",
"surface-3": "#404040",
"on-surface-3": "#ffffff",
"surface-4": "#4d4d4d",
"on-surface-4": "#ffffff",
"surface-5": "#595959",
"on-surface-5": "#ffffff",
"surface-6": "#666666",
"on-surface-6": "#ffffff",
"background": "#1a1a1a",
"on-background": "#ffffff"
And the app using it rewrites the BubbleUI variables to change the UI colors!