The objective of this project is to process live video-stream of students entering their classroom and generate the list of students attending the class. The system is coded in Python 3.8 using OpenCv, Tkinter and Numpy libraries. The file in the directory are:
- : This is the main script of the project. It implements the GUI of the project and calls functions from the modules package developed.
Cascade/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml : This file is taken from the OpenCV library and contains trained configurations of Voila-Jones Algorithm for detecting faces.
- : This file contains the function which store the student's information in MySQL database
- : This file train the face dataset collected in, trained the model and store the outcome into classifier.xml file.
- : This file recognize the student through camera and store its information into attendance.csv
- : This file contains the function which allow user to edit or save it in separate file
The system needs Python 3.8 installed along with OpenCV libraries.
The steps to install OpenCV with the extra module can be found here. The project also requires Tkinter and Numpy.