A scraper is a tool that lets you collect and save data off documents that is visible on the screen.
The FPL Scraper allows the user to search for Top players on Fantasy Premier League web site.
Over 7.3 million players play the game & build their teams every week. With this scraper you can save the top team every week and compare the top players, check and compare their teams!
The data is displayed in a CSV file which gets appended everytime the scraper is run in the bin folder.
I have build this scraper to have a set of top 50-100 players in the world for certain weeks and build a similar team/follow the player.
Built using OOP principles.
To get started, you should first get this file in your local machine by downloading this project or typing.
git clone https://github.com/akshay-narkar/Web-Scraper-Capstone.git
Before you start using the scraper, you need to be sure that you have Ruby installed on your computer, by typing.
ruby -v
and it should return something like.
####### ruby 2.7.##### (20##-##-## revision 6####) [########]
If it's not installed in your system, follow this guide and it will help you to get it done.
You need to open your terminal and go to the downloaded folder, then You need to run the next command to install the gems.
bundle install
Then you can run the next command that starts the program.
ruby bin/main.rb
When the program starts, It is going to ask you to input the Top X number of players whose data you need saved.
The scraper uses Selenium Webdriver API which uses Chrome to open the webpages to scrape
Once the scraper is done fetching, it puts all the data in data.csv
To visit any of the player profiles, Ctrl + Click on the URLs
By default, the target of Scraper right now is to check the Top players in the world overall but you can simply change the url to whichever league you need in the lib/scraper.rb file. Counter variable is added at the end for every link. Moreover this data could be used to plot charts and derive various stats.
@browser.goto "https://fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/314/standings/c?phase=1&page_new_entries=1&page_standings=#{counter}"
The code includes unit testing using RSpec. To start the test, run the next line in your terminal:
rspec spec/scraper_rspec.rb
- Ruby
- RSpec - Ruby Test Driven Development framework
- Selenium
- VSCode - As a code editor
- Nokogiri - Ruby gem as a Main tool
- Rubocop - Ruby gem as a Ruby Linter
- Google DevTools - Debugging tool
- Google Chrome - Web Browser for scraping
Web driver Needs Chrome browser to be installed in a particular directory. Please check the following link to place the same there.
👤 Akshay Narkar
- Github: @akshay-narkar
- Twitter: @akidoit
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Start by:
- Forking the project
- Cloning the project to your local machine
into the project directory- Run
git checkout -b your-branch-name
- Make your contributions
- Push your branch up to your forked repository
- Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development branch of the original project for a review
Give a ⭐ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.
- You can add negative test cases.