The Secure Hospital System project is a cloud-based hospital management system. It offers secure, role-based functionalities for patients, doctors, hospital staff, lab staff, insurance staff, and admins, with features like appointment scheduling, record access, diagnostics, payments, and more. Utilizing technologies like Django for user management, blockchain for data security, Keras and NLTK for a chatbot, and JavaScript for the user interface.
For a detailed view of the application, refer to the application screenshots pdf.
User-Centric Functionality: Patients, doctors, hospital staff, lab staff, insurance personnel, and administrators each have tailored functionalities, enhancing their efficiency in the hospital ecosystem.
Appointment Management: Patients can effortlessly schedule appointments, access their medical records, request tests, and make payments online.
Medical Practitioner Tools: Doctors can diagnose patients, recommend tests, and prescribe medications, streamlining patient care.
Hospital Staff Operations: Hospital staff can approve appointments, handle payment requests, and create and manage patient records efficiently.
Lab Integration: Lab staff can seamlessly provide test reports, ensuring quick and accurate data delivery.
Insurance Processing: Insurance staff can verify claims and disburse funds with ease.
Administrative Control: Administrators have access to system logs, user data management, and transaction approvals.
Blockchain Security: Transaction and diagnosis records are securely stored on a distributed blockchain, safeguarding sensitive patient data.
User Support Chatbot: A chatbot feature provides instant responses to common queries, enhancing user experience.
Multi-Factor Authentication: The system employs two-factor authentication and public key certificates for enhanced security during critical transactions.
User Role and Access Management: The system intelligently assigns users to specific groups and restricts unauthorized access to sensitive data.
Superuser Portal: Administrators utilize the Django superuser portal for efficient user and group management.
Password Security: Robust password hashing and salting techniques protect user credentials.
Machine Learning Security: Machine learning algorithms analyze login patterns to prevent malicious logins.
Cloud Hosting for high availability.
Django and Django registration for user authentication and management.
Deep Learning with Keras and NLTK for chatbot development.
Blockchain technology for secure data storage.
HTML, CSS for Frontend.
JavaScript for responsive user interfaces.
This project is licensed under the [MIT License].