- A simple voice TODO list app using Google Web Speech Api and Vue Js
- To start the project, run “start.sh” and open the URL http://localhost:8000/ in Google Chrome.
- Add todo
- Delete todo
- Update todo
- "Add a note with text call Akshay"
- "Make a to do note with text call Akshay"
- "Please add a note to call Akshay"
- "Add a note call akshay"
- "Add a note to call akshay"
- "Add a note to"
- "Please Add a note with text bla bla"
- Speech Recognition using Google Web Speech Api
- Front End using Vue.js
- User feedback using Toastr.js
- On-the-fly speech-to-text, so user can see what is being transcript-ed by Chrome Speech API.
- Delete can handle input variations like delete, remove, erase, etc.
- Show all/active/current notes.
- Delete completed notes.
- Mark/Unmark all notes.
- Complete note.
- Add Material UI design
- Add tabs with “All, Completed, Active” type of sorting.