An adjustable memoization library in Python that only caches the results from the K most recent arguments.
I (@alanb43) got the inspiration from memoize-one in TypeScript, but I really wanted to use this as an excuse to learn about packages in python + getting a package on
from memoizek import MemoizeK
def compute(func, *args):
return func(*args)
def add(a,b):
return a + b
memo_compute = MemoizeK(compute, 2) # remember 2 most-recent-calls' arguments
memo_compute(add, 1, 2) # registers a miss, returns 3
memo_compute(add, 1, 2) # registers a hit, returns cached value
memo_compute(add, 2, 1) # registers a miss, arguments don't match!
# pip / pip3
python3 -m pip install memoizek