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Table Formatting Rules

Sneddo edited this page Jan 29, 2014 · 1 revision

Since v6.16, vCheck has supported Table formatting rules in plugins. This allows you to define a set of rules for data, in order to provide more richly formatted HTML reports.

Using Formatting Rules

To use formatting rules, a $TableFormat variable must be defined in the module.

The $TableFormat variable is a Hastable, with the key being the "column" of the table that the rule should apply to.

The Value of the Hashtable is an array of rule. Each rule is a hashtable, with the Key being the expression to evaluate, and the value containing the formatting options.

Formatting options

The Formatting options are made up of two comma-separated values: 1. The scope of the formatting rule - "Row" to apply to the entire row, or "Cell" to only apply to that particular cell. 2. A pipe-separated HTML attribute, and value. E.g. class|green to apply the "green" class to the HTML element specified in 1.


Example 1

Assume you have a CSS class named "green", which you want to apply to any compliant objects. Similarly, you have a "red" class that you wish to use to highlight non-compliant objects. We would define the formatting rules as follows:

$TableFormat = @{"Compliant" = @(@{ "-eq $true" = "Cell,class|green"; }, @{ "-eq$false" = "Cell,class|red" }) } Here we can see two rules; the first checks if the value in the Compliant column is equal to $true, in which case it applies the "green" class to the table cell (i.e. element). The second rule applies when the compliant column is equal to $false, and applied the "red" class.

Example 2

Suppose you now want to run a report on Datastores. You wish to highlight datastores with less than 25% free space as "warning", those with free space less than 15% as "critical". To make them stand out more, you want to highlight the entire row on the report. You also wish to highlight datastores with a capacity less than 500GB as silver.

To achieve this, you could use the following: $TableFormat = @{"PercentFree" = @(@{ "-le 25" = "Row,class|warning"; }, @{ "-le 15" = "Row,class|critical" }); "CapacityGB" = @(@{ "-lt 500" = "Cell,style|background-color: silver"}) }

Here we see the rules that apply to two different columns, with rules applied to the values in a fashion similar to Example 1.