These scripts uses Terraform to automate building of rke2 clusters on AWS, it supports building normal and HA clusters with N master nodes, N workers nodes.
The scripts are simplified into one module that supports both server and agent nodes, the scripts also support building multiple clusters.
The rke2 module is the only module in the scripts and it builds the following components:
- N servers
- Autoscaling group to build N agents
- Load balancer to proxy to rke2 servers
- Domain name to resolve to the load balancer
The scripts can be modified by customizing the variables in scripts/config
, the variables includes:
Name | Description |
CLUSTER_SECRET | The cluster secret token used by servers and agents to connect to each other |
DOMAIN_NAME | DNS name of the Loadbalancer for rke2 master(s) |
ZONE_ID | AWS route53 zone id for modifying the dns name |
RKE2_VERSION | RKE2 version that will be used with the cluster |
EXTRA_SSH_KEYS | Public ssh keys that will be added to the servers |
DEBUG | Debug mode for rke2 servers |
Name | Description |
SERVER_HA | Whether or not to use HA mode, if not then sqlite will be used as storage backend |
SERVER_COUNT | rke2 master node count |
SERVER_INSTANCE_TYPE | Ec2 instance type created for rke2 server(s) |
Name | Description |
AGENT_COUNT | Number of RKE2 agents that will be created |
AGENT_INSTANCE_TYPE | Ec2 instance type created for rke2 agents |
The scripts contain a makefile to simplify building and destroying the servers, first adjust the config in scripts/config file, then run the following command to build the cluster
make build NAME="<name>"
This will basically create a directory in the same dir which represent the cluster and run terrafrom from within this dir, a cluster will be created using the info supplied in scripts/config.
To destroy the cluster just run the following:
make destroy NAME="<name>"