I started studying QML and realized that QT with QML is really well done, but I was missing some basic components. I started collecting them for myself and maybe they can be useful for someone. First I felt the need to have an easy-to-use grid component, so starting from TableView QML Type I modeled a new grid component on top of it. Then I continued adding Font Awesome icons and other usefull components.
is the grid component module
is a module that started to use Font Awesome in QML, later several UI components were added
Tested on Windows and Linux, Android 6+, may work on other plaftorms
Developed with Qt 5.12.3 (and 5.14.2)
QT >= 5.15 prints warning message QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated.
, but this project cannot use the new syntax because it requires compatibility with Qt 5.12. Consider QT_LOGGING_RULES="qt.qml.connections=false"
List only usefull components
Component | Description |
CompGrid | Grid component |
CellButton | Button inside a grid cell |
CellClicker | Handle mouse (or finger) interaction with cell |
CellFa | Display a Font Awesome icon |
CellText | Regular text cell |
Component | Description |
Fa (root context property) | Font awesome fonts and icons |
BppMetrics | QML Singleton with UI parameter used in all other controls (Colors, Sizes, Fonts...) |
BppButton | A Button with label and FA icon |
BppCalendar | A Calendar box to select dates |
BppTextDate | A text to show the date and open the calendar to change it |
BppColorPicker | A Color Picker Pane (RGB/HSV) |
BppColorPickerDialog | A popup dialog with BppColorPicker and Accept/Cancel |
BppGrid | CompGrid styled with BppMetrics |
BppGridFaIcon | FA icon with tooltip |
BppGridText | CellText styled with BppMetrics |
BppImageArrayChooser | A list images where only one can be selected, like Option Boxes with images |
BppMsgBox | A Dialog to show a message to the user, modal or not |
BppPane | A Pane styled with BppMetrics |
BppShadowImageButton | A Button with image/text for big buttons in home page |
BppStyleMaterial | Helper class for manage Material theme (Dark/Light) |
BppStyleUniversal | Helper class for manage Universal theme (Dark/Light) |
BppTextCp | A Text with some extra options and copy/paste button |
BppToolButtonFa | A ToolButton for toolbars with FA icon |
BppTreeView | Multi level TreeView component |
- in your project .pro add :
include($$PWD/bppgrid/BppFa.pri) #only if you plan to use FontAwesome 5 Icons
- in main.cpp call
bpp::FontAwesome::registerQml(engine); //Optional
#include <bpptablemodel.h>
#include <bppfontawesome.h> //Optional
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
bpp::FontAwesome::registerQml(engine); //Optional
- in qml file add imports
import BppTable 0.1
- Use it!
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Window 2.13
import BppTable 0.1
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
property var fruitList: [
{pkid: 1, name: "Apple", cost: 2.45},
{pkid: 2, name: "Orange", cost: 3.45},
{pkid: 3, name: "Banana", cost: 1.459},
{pkid: 4, name: "Strawberry", cost: 1.1467}
CompGrid {
id: bGrid
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 10
dataHeight: 30
Component {
id: cellItem
Rectangle {
implicitHeight: bGrid.dataHeight
color: bGrid.getCellBk(row, highlight)
CellText {
text: bGrid.formatDisplay(display, dataType, 2)
horizontalAlignment: bGrid.getAlign(dataType)
CellClicker {
grid: bGrid
cellDelegate: cellItem
fromArray: [
{ role: "pkid", title: "ID", dataType: BTColumn.Int },
{ role: "name", title: "Name", minWidth: 100 },
{ role: "cost", title: "Cost", dataType: BTColumn.Dbl }
Component.onCompleted: {
See Changelog
See examples folder