ROS package to use a knowledge base to represent and reason with knowledge about collaborative robotics and adaptation. This package allows to run the knowledge base using two different tools: rosprolog and owlready2. The first one includes features to be used within ROS (e.g., one can query the knowledge base calling a ROS service). The second option allows to use the ontology without ROS, just as we could use other OWL apis.
sudo apt install swi-prolog libjson-glib-dev
sudo apt install python-rdflib
wstool set know_cra --git
wstool update know_cra
wstool merge know_cra/rosinstall/know_cra.rosinstall
wstool update
In the package, we already provide a virtual environment but it was built for our computer and it will probably not work in yours. You can easily delete it and create and configure your own environment executing the following commands in a terminal.
cd <know_cra_folder>/python_environment
python3 -m venv know_cra_owlready2
source know_cra_owlready2/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install cython owlready2 catkin_pkg rospkg pyyaml future
roscd; cd ..
catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="know_cra;comp_spatial;knowrob_common;rosprolog;json_prolog_msgs;rosowl;genowl"
First, we can run a knowledge base with the basic knowledge for a specific use case in which a robot and a human collaborate to fill the compartments of a tray with tokens.
roslaunch know_cra map_cra_cs_filling_tray.launch
Finally, we can run a knowledge base with all the knowledge stored in an episodic memory, validation neem, which is used during the validation presented in our article [1].
roslaunch know_cra map_cra_cs_filling_tray_neem.launch
rosrun know_cra
[1] A. Olivares-Alarcos, A. Andriella, S. Foix and G. Alenyà. Robot explanatory narratives of collaborative and adaptive experiences, 40th IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023, London, United Kingdom, to appear.