This is my attempt at bridging the gap between data structures and applications in javascript. There are many repos out there that implement data structures, but I haven't seen many that explain how these data structures are useful in real-life problems.
Here you'll find:
- clean ES6 implementations of classic data structures
- [TODO] example applications that use these data structures
- addHead
- removeHead
- addTail
- removeTail
- isEmpty
- first
- last
- reverse
- tests
- push
- pop
- peek
- isEmpty
- tests
- enqueue
- dequeue
- peek
- isEmpty
- tests
- put
- get
- delete
- keys
- Traversal
- inorder
- preorder
- postorder
- bfs
- MaxPQ API:
insert, delMax, isEmpty, max, size, toString
- MinPQ API:
insert, delMin, isEmpty, min, size, toString
- API:
put, get, delete, contains, isEmpty, size, keys, toString
- API:
addEdge, adj, vertices, edges, toString
- API:
addEdge, adj, vertices, edges, toString