A Java tool to generate customized wordlist for bruteforce attack. You can chose words, numbers, symbols, and the tool compute all possible combination of token and put them in a .txt file.
The standard fields are: name, surname, nickname, birthday, pet name, important dates. Anyway at the end is possibe to insert other words. There's the option to insert special char (!, $, %, &, /, (, ), =, ?, ^, +, -, @, #, :, -, <, >) between different tokens.
The 'help' option currently doesn't help a lot (eheh) but it's not too much complicate, trust me.
No GUI implemented, once downloaded you must compile and run it from shell. Obv you must have Java installed.
This is a very basic tool implemented only with for loop. It returns ALL possible combinations between the inserted words, so keep in mind it could be slow and the output file can be very large. (To be technical, the complexity should be O(n^4))