A toolkit for bit-strings and DSL for binary protocols bit-blocks.
When working with binary protocols we usually have to implement encoding and decoding functions for the different type of messages the protocol supports. Despite parsing binary protocols is relatively easy in Elixir/Erlang using binary pattern-matching (and one of the greatest features in Elixir/Erlang), it might be tedius implement X number of parsing functions to support the protocol messages, we may ending up with a lot of similar binary matching all over the code, which is not bad, but what if we could avoid it? What if we had a toolkit like Ecto to define parseable bit-blocks, commonly used in binary protocols? This is where Bitcraft comes in!
Bitcraft provides a DSL for defining parseable binary blocks or messages. You just need to define the bit-block for your message, adding the segments with their names, sizes and properties, and then Bitcraft generates the encoding and decoding functions automatically.
You need to add bitcraft
as a dependency to your mix.exs
def deps do
{:bitcraft, "~> 0.1.0"}
Let's start defining the bit-block for a simple message:
defmodule MyBlock do
import Bitcraft.BitBlock
defblock "my-block" do
segment :header, 5, type: :binary
segment :s1, 4, default: 1
segment :s2, 8, default: 1, sign: :signed
segment :tail, 3, type: :binary
After compile your code, you will be able to run:
iex> data = %MyBlock{header: "begin", s1: 3, s2: -3, tail: "end"}
iex> bits = MyBlock.encode(block)
<<98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 63, 214, 86, 230, 4::size(4)>>
iex> MyBlock.decode(bits)
%MyBlock{header: "begin", leftover: "", s1: 3, s2: -3, tail: "end"}
for more information.
For this example let's define an IPv4 datagram, which has a dynamic part:
defmodule IpDatagram do
import Bitcraft.BitBlock
defblock "IP-datagram" do
segment :vsn, 4
segment :hlen, 4
segment :srvc_type, 8
segment :tot_len, 16
segment :id, 16
segment :flags, 3
segment :frag_off, 13
segment :ttl, 8
segment :proto, 8
segment :hdr_chksum, 16, type: :bits
segment :src_ip, 32, type: :bits
segment :dst_ip, 32, type: :bits
segment :opts, :dynamic, type: :bits
segment :data, :dynamic, type: :bits
# Size resolver for dynamic segments invoked during the decoding
def calc_size(%__MODULE__{hlen: hlen}, :opts, dgram_s)
when hlen >= 5 and 4 * hlen <= dgram_s do
opts_s = 4 * (hlen - 5)
{opts_s * 8, dgram_s}
def calc_size(%__MODULE__{leftover: leftover}, :data, dgram_s) do
data_s = :erlang.bit_size(leftover)
{data_s, dgram_s}
Here, the segment corresponding to the :opts
segment has a type modifier,
specifying that :opts
is to bind to a bitstring (or binary). All other
segments have the default type equal to unsigned integer.
An IP datagram header is of variable length. This length is measured in the
number of 32-bit words and is given in the segment corresponding to :hlen
The minimum value of :hlen
is 5. It is the segment corresponding to
that is variable, so if :hlen
is equal to 5, :opts
an empty binary. Finally, the tail segment :data
bind to bitstring.
The decoding of the datagram fails if one of the following occurs:
- The first 4-bits segment of datagram is not equal to 4.
is less than 5.- The size of the datagram is less than
Since this block has dynamic segments, we can now use the other decode arguments to resolve the size for them during the decoding process:
IpDatagram.decode(bits, :erlang.bit_size(bits), &IpDatagram.calc_size/3)
- The first argument is the input IPv4 datagram (bitstring).
- The second argument is is the accumulator to the callback function (third argument), in this case is the total number of bits in the datagram.
- And the third argument is the function callback or dynamic size resolver that will be invoked by the decoder for each dynamic segment. The callback functions receives the data struct with the current decoded segments, the segment name (to be pattern-matched and resolve its size), and the accumulator that can be used to pass metadata during the dynamic segments evaluation.
It is time to try it out! First of all, let's create a IpDatagram
data type
with valid data:
iex> dgram = %IpDatagram{
...> vsn: 4,
...> hlen: 6,
...> srvc_type: 8,
...> tot_len: 100,
...> id: 1,
...> flags: 1,
...> frag_off: 1,
...> ttl: 32,
...> proto: 6,
...> hdr_chksum: <<1, 1>>,
...> src_ip: <<10, 10, 10, 5>>,
...> dst_ip: <<10, 10, 10, 6>>,
...> opts: %Bitcraft.BitBlock.DynamicSegment{
...> value: <<10, 10, 10, 1>>,
...> size: 32
...> },
...> data: %Bitcraft.BitBlock.DynamicSegment{
...> value: "ping",
...> size: 32
...> }
...> }
As you notice, for the dynamic segments we use the data type
type, with the corresponding value and size
in bits. This will tell Bitcraft
how the block should be encoded. This is the
way to set dynamic segments, the value cannot be assigned directly, it is to be
encapsulated within this data type with the value and size.
Now let's encode it:
iex> bits = IpDatagram.encode(dgram)
<<70, 8, 0, 100, 0, 1, 32, 1, 32, 6, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 5, 10, 10, 10, 6, 10, 10,
10, 1, 112, 105, 110, 103>>
Finally, for decoding it, we have to use the callback to resolve the dynamic
sizes, which was defined previously within the module IpDatagram.calc_size/3
iex> IpDatagram.decode(bits, :erlang.bit_size(bits), &IpDatagram.calc_size/3)
data: %Bitcraft.BitBlock.DynamicSegment{size: 32, value: "ping"},
dst_ip: <<10, 10, 10, 6>>,
flags: 1,
frag_off: 1,
hdr_chksum: <<1, 1>>,
hlen: 6,
id: 1,
leftover: "",
opts: %Bitcraft.BitBlock.DynamicSegment{size: 32, value: <<10, 10, 10, 1>>},
proto: 6,
src_ip: <<10, 10, 10, 5>>,
srvc_type: 8,
tot_len: 100,
ttl: 32,
vsn: 4
Sometimes we may also want to parse a segment of bits as an array, for example, suppose we have a dynamic segment but we want to parse it as a list of integers of 16 bits, what variates is the amount of them (the length of the array). So, if the size of the segment is calculated as 64 bits, we expect an array of 4 integers of 16 bits.
First of all, let us define a block with an array-type segment:
defmodule TestBlock do
import Bitcraft.BitBlock
defblock "test-block" do
segment :a, 8
segment :b, 8
array :list, type: :integer, element_size: 16, sign: :signed
# Size resolver for dynamic segments invoked during the decoding
def calc_size(%__MODULE__{a: a, b: b}, :list, acc) do
{a + b, acc}
As you may notice, the field :list
is defined as array-type in the form:
array :list, type: :integer, element_size: 16, sign: :signed
The first argument is the name of the segment, then we pass the options.
The type: :integer
defines the the type for the array elements, and
element_size: 16
defines that each element of the array must have
16 bits size. The rest of the options are the same and apply to the
array elements.
Now, let's try it out:
iex> data = %TestBlock{
...> a: 32,
...> b: 32,
...> list: %Bitcraft.BitBlock.DynamicSegment{value: [1, 2, 3, 4], size: 64}
iex> encoded = TestBlock.encode(data)
<<32, 32, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4>>
iex> TestBlock.decode(encoded, %{}, &TestBlock.calc_size/3)
a: 32,
b: 32,
leftover: "",
list: %Bitcraft.BitBlock.DynamicSegment{size: 64, value: [1, 2, 3, 4]}
Contributions to Bitcraft are very welcome and appreciated!
Use the issue tracker for bug reports or feature requests. Open a pull request when you are ready to contribute.
When submitting a pull request you should not update the CHANGELOG.md, and also make sure you test your changes thoroughly, include unit tests alongside new or changed code.
Before to submit a PR it is highly recommended to run mix check
and ensure all
checks run successfully.
Copyright (c) 2020, Carlos Bolaños.
Copyright (c) 2021, Albora Technologies Ltd.
Bitcraft source code is licensed under the MIT License.