Alberto Cereser,
Technical University of Denmark, 15 February 2016
In this repository you can find the files I used to simulate a time-of-flight 3D Neutron Diffraction (ToF 3DND) experiment with a polycrystalline sample at beamline BL18, J-PARC, using McStas. The BL18 setup is described by BL18_pxtal_BOTH.instr
; to speed up the computational time, the simulation can be performed with only the near- or the far-field detectors mounted (relative instrument files: BL18_pxtal_MCP.instr
and BL18_pxtal_FF.instr
). The description of the far-field detectors is in a separate file, detector_arms.instr
The J-PARC source is described by source_BL18.txt
As a sample, we consider an Iron cylinder consisting of 20 regions with random orientation. default.map_101x101_rectified
is a voxellized map of the sample, with the voxel orientations defined by default.orts
. The reflections for Iron are listed in Fe.lau
, generated using Crystallographica.
To save the output data using the same format of the detetcors at J-PARC, E. Knudsen developed the new modules FITS_monitor.comp
and HDB_monitor.comp
The approach presented above, where a polycrystalline sample is used, was developed to cross-check the algorithms developed analysing data collected at BL18, J-PARC, using ToF 3DND. A simpler setup, with a sample consisting of three iron single crystals, was used for preliminary feasibility tests. Instr file: BL18_three_crystals.instr