Run it or import it and call createProject();
$ node casper-parallel/generate.js
This code will create a directory called casper-parallel for your tests. Inside it will put some basic files like a casper script to save screenshots, a casper configuration file, a server configuration file for multiple servers, a lib with some helpful functions and a node script called run.js.
The run.js file need a list of directories as parameter and will start a group of tests inside this directories in parallel using subproccess.
Ex: $ ./run.js MyFirstTestCase or $ ./run.js testDir1 testDir2 or $ ./run.js testDir*
This will create a folder for each test directory in your tmp, and will put all logs there.
To run a single test you can use the line: $ casperjs test --cookies-file=/tmp/mycookies.txt testFolder/testname.js --includes=conf.js --verbose --log-level=debug --post=screenshot.js
This will run your test in debug mode and save an image with your's test last screen.
- To keep organization put all your data in the map.js file, never write any xpath or css selector in your test file.
- Never write any "if" in your test file
- If you have two cases in your test, write two tests
- Never write a test with logic, put your logic in the lib.js
- Try to keep your tests using a single line using casper.testElement() or casper.testElements()
- Write more and smaller tests. They will run in parallel and this will be better and faster.