As a new owner of Prusa Mini, I built an enclosure following the official prusa guide. Besides few deviations from the guide, I also wanted to build temperature monitoring, based on esp32.
This repository contains source code for monitoring the inside/outside temperature (using sht3x temperature sensors) and displaying the data on Nokia 5110 lcd screen. And the STL files for the temperature module and few other improvements for the enclosure.
I wanted to avoid using visible screws or nails to attach the screen case, so I decided to print the display case as part of one of the bottom corner pieces.
The original guide did not cover connecting bottom lack table (in case when building enclosure with 3 or more lack tables). I extracted and cut corner pieces that can be used to connect the bottom two tables.
I wanted to have multiple rows of LED strips and connect the rows with wires. I made the covers to hide the wires. The cover is attached with small 2mm nails.