A multipurpose discord bot with cool commands like Weather and Dice Rolling! Be sure to check out the beta
Having issues with alcebot? Fear not! Alcebot Support is here to save the day! Our support team and beta team are very helpful and are online most hours of the day!
Join the support server at: https://discord.gg/RfwTDCX
AlceBot comes with a config.py
file. Here you will add your Discord App token, and add startup extensions. You can generate a token at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me.
Find the string "token here"
in the config file and replace it with your token.
In the config.py
file, you can also customise insults, error messages, bot prefix, bot description and the file you want the bot to log events to.
You can start the bot by launching start.bash
directly, or using a Python IDE such as PyCharm or Visual Studio Code. To launch start.bash
, you need to go to terminal and type bash start.bash
- discord
- random
- textblob
- asyncio
- re
- logging
- pyowm
- time
- logger
- io
- textwrap
- copy
When installing python, remember to install pip as well
pip install <package>
Make sure to always update AlceBot. You can create GitHub Webhooks for Discord to get notified whenever a repo is updated.
When you do this, always keep a backup! It's also useful to write down your token, but NEVER give this to anyone you don't trust, or publish it to your GitHub. Don't worry though - you can generate a new token whenever you want on the Discord developer portal.
To read and edit this document properly offline, Atom and VS Code both have a built-in Markdown Previewer that you can open by hitting ctrl + shift + v on a PC or cmd + shift + v on a Mac.
Gido - General formatting and alignments with best practices
If you're going to use this code, please disclose the source (me)! Thank You!
Copyright © 2019 oopsie1412 and alecagayan