is a lightweight and thread-safe in-memory key-value cache library for Go. It provides a simple and efficient way to store and retrieve any kind of data with expiration times.
go get
Access here or execute:
godoc -http=:6060
# and access http://localhost:6060/pkg/
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new cache with a default expiration of 5 minutes and a cleanup interval of 1 minute
c := cache.New(5*time.Minute, 1*time.Minute)
// Add an entry to the cache with an expiration of two hours
c.Set("key", "value", 2*time.Hour)
// Retrieve the value from the cache
if value, found := c.Get("key"); found {
fmt.Println("Value:", value)
} else {
fmt.Println("Value not found")
// Delete an entry from the cache
// Clear all entries from the cache
// Stop the cleanup goroutine and release resources
go test
# to run the benchmarks
go test -bench=. -benchmem
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.