Build the CLI example App
vgo build -o bin/piece-store-cli cli/pscli.go
Build the Server example App
vgo build -o bin/piece-store-server server/main.go server/utils.go
Build the routes
protoc -I routeguide/ routeguide/route_guide.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:routeguide
Running CLI
./bin/piece-store-cli [CMD] (ARGS)
Running the server
./bin/piece-store-server ($PORT)
- Default Server is available at
vgo test src/*
Each shard is saved in a directory structure, the shard hash is split into chunks and the shard is stored in directories with this structure:
↳ <2-bytes> directory - first two bytes of shard hash used as the directory name
↳ <2-bytes> directory - next two bytes of the shard has used as the directory name
↳ <16-bytes> file - the last remaining bytes used for the filename
- Maximum total directories is 16 ^ 4 = 65,536
- With 100,000 files in each it would be 6,553,600,000 files total
- Can't quickly get statistics on data stored. (Data sizes, Disk Usage)
- Limited by file system