Governance BGL token (GBGL): 0xFD4b70e285DfB9710eA9e95e58EaE824Fa00488A
Voting period: ~1 week. Proposal Threshold: 0. Quorum: 100 GBGL.
Sign in via Metamask and create new proposal as shown in the tutorial
Wait until the voiting period ends (about for a day)
Execute proposal.
On chain DAO using smart contracts on BSC testnet and Tally for the visual part.
Bitgesell DeGov (1 day voting period)
Bitgesell DeGov (30 days voting period)
Governance BGL token (GBGL): 0x1D52E9D0AC02Bd18C26B364eBe06311fDD3a1683
Timelock controller (EXECUTION delay 5 min): 0x6E5c234846976f4bE7C30e63813e13433eA235b7
Governor (1 day voting period): 0xaD6f767A7903750440C632149490ebcCc141C92b
Governor (30 days voting period): 0xd35Ed95E173e19CE93525De869BF60BC4AFF7E55