MSBuild project extensions that adds advanced support for COM SxS scenarios.
This package adds some MSBuild targets that support the generation of COM assembly and COM application manifests. These manifests are required for registry free activation of COM components.
To enable assembly manifest generation, add the EnableComExport property to the library project file with the value of true.
To enable application manifest generation add the EnableComImport property to the EXE project file with the value of true.
This tool requires various Windows SDK components to be installed to find the mt.exe and tlbexp.exe applications.
COM type libraries are embedded within the managed assemblies. COM assembly manifests are embedded within the managed assemblies.
COM application manifests are generated by scanning all items staged to be content in the output project. Enable export from an assembly to generate embedded manifests. Add a dependency from your EXE project to that library project. The manifests will be generated and embedded. And the application will find the dependent assemblies.