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Easy function for working with XMLHttpRequest.

How to use

    method: 'GET',
    url: 'api/User/10'
    .success(data => {
        // do something

The XHR function returns special object, instance of XHR.XHRActions. This object contains next methods:

  • error(callback) - Callback will be executed in case of network error or response error (status codes 4xx and 5xx);
  • abort(callback) - Fired when request was aborted by user;
  • loadStart(callback) - Fired when downloading begins;
  • progress(callback) - Executes callback function all time during download process. Easy way to display download progress as progressbar;
  • loadEnd(callback) - Tells about finish of download process;
  • load(callback) - Fires for any response from server;
  • success(callback) - Fires for success responses from server (status codes 2xx and 3xx);
  • timeout(callback) - Callback will be called in case of request timeout;
  • readyStateChange(callback) - Just listener for readystatechange event;
  • silent() - If it is called, global interceptors will be ignored;
  • interceptors(interceptorsConfig) - Registers additional callback, where you can modify server response and pass it to success or error callbacks;
  • getXHR() - Returns XHR.XHRCollection object which contains original XMLHttpRequest instances.

Almost each method of XHR.XHRActions receives one parameter, callback function, and returns the same object as XHR function (excluding getXHR()), so you can make chain of calls.

let xhr = XHR({
    url: '',
    method: 'GET'


You can modify server response before passing it to success or error callbacks. You need to call interceptors() method and pass interceptorsConfig object as argument.

class UserApi {
    static loadUser (userId) {
        return XHR({
            method: 'GET',
            url: `api/user/${userId}`
            response (userJson) {
                // return data or promise
                return new User(userJson);
            responseError (error) {
                return new Promise(resolve => doAsyncStuff(error, () => resolve('404')));

    .success(user => user instanceof User /* true */)
    .error(errorMsg => errorMsg === '404' /* true */);


  1. If you subscribe to load, error and success events, in case of any response from server, at first will be fired load event and then error or success.

Configuration object

The XHR function receives one argument, config object. This object has only one required property url. All rest properties are optional. It can contain next properties:

  • url (required) - URL address.

  • method - HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and etc.). Method GET is selected by default.

  • params - Object for query string parameters. For example:

        url: '',
        params: {
            page: 1,
            pageSize: 100,
            filterIds: [12, 13, 14]

    URL will be

  • headers - Object for setting request headers.

        url: '',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  • attributes - Object with properties for original XMLHttpRequest.

        url: '',
        attributes: {
            responseType: 'json',
            timeout: 1000
  • async - Boolean value. Should request be asynchronous or not.

  • data - Object for request body. It can be string or instance of next classes: Object, FormData, Document, Blob, ArrayBufferView or ArrayBuffer.


You can add some default headers and attributes, that will be added to each XHR request. All defaults are stored in XHR.defaults.

  • XHR.defaults.headers - Object for common HTTP headers;

    XHR.defaults.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
  • XHR.defaults.attributes - Object for common properties for original XMLHttpRequest;

    XHR.defaults.attributes.responseType = 'json';
  • XHR.defaults.method - Also you can redefine default method. If your application uses JSON-RPC api format, you can set POST as default method, and you don't need appoint method value for each XHR() call;

    XHR.defaults.method = 'POST';

Global interceptors

Yo can define global interceptors which will be executed for each XHR() call. There are following types of global interceptors:

  • XHR.interceptors.request - This function will be executed before xhr.send();
  • XHR.interceptors.response - Executes after loadend event;
  • XHR.interceptors.responseError - Executes after network error or response with status codes 4xx and 5xx;
  • XHR.interceptors.abort - Executes after abort error;

Each global interceptor receives one argument xhr instance of XMLHttpRequest and returns boolean. If interceptor returns true request proceeds to it's callbacks, in case of false request stops; If silent() method of XHR.XHRActions is called, global interceptors will be ignored.


XHR.interceptors.responseError = function (xhr) {
    if (xhr.status === 401) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

Worker mode

The library has possibility to make any XHR() call in worker. At first enable worker feature by invoking XHR.enableWorker(). It returns a promise, which will be resolved when worker is ready. Then instead of calling XHR(config) do XHR.inWorker(config).

Future plans

  • Rewrite to ES6 or TS;
  • Add support of upload events;


Easy function for working with XMLHttpRequest.







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