A PHP class for building an array of prime numbers that allows you to then check if a number is prime or to find an nth prime number
Start by including the class prime.class.php
, however you choose. In the example found in ./examples/1M-limit-with-details.php
require_once 'path/to/prime.class.php'
Start by initializing the class and building the array, you can do that by either:
$prime = new \alexanderholman\prime();
Or you can autocomplete on __construct()
$prime = new \alexanderholman\prime( prime::BUILD_PRIME_NUMBERS );
From there you can call an nth prime number:
$prime->getNthPrimeNumber( $nth-term ) // where $nth-term in an integer
Contributions are more that welcome by anyone! Just fork it and make your suggestions, I'll run some benchmarks, and ANY improvements will be accepted
Please create a new issue here, vulnerabilities too, the best way to get me to fix an issue is to let me know about it!