With an STM32 board with Ethernet compatibility, this library allows a STM32 board (NUCLEO, DISCOVERY, ...) to connect to the internet.
This library follows the Ethernet API from Arduino.
For more information about it please visit: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Ethernet
The library is based on LwIP, a Lightweight TCP/IP stack, available here:
The LwIP has been ported as Arduino library. The STM32Ethernet library depends on it.
in no more required to renew IP address from DHCP.
It is done automatically by the LwIP stack in a background task.
An Idle task is required by the LwIP stack to handle timer and data reception.
This idle task is called inside a timer callback each 1 ms by the
function stm32_eth_scheduler()
is set in the library to TIM14
can be redefined in the core variant.
Be careful to not lock the system in a function which disabling IRQ.
Call Ethernet::schedule()
performs an update of the LwIP stack.
You can find information at https://github.com/stm32duino/wiki/wiki/STM32Ethernet