Database Migration Utility using sql files and versioning based on source control.
RoundhousE (RH) is a database migrations engine that uses plain old SQL Scripts to transition a database from one version to another.
This is a node service replicating some of the functionality from the Windows project found here -
$ npm install -g roundhouse
(More info here:
--help | -h
This info
--ConnString | --cs | -c
Connection string to the database. REQUIRED
Example: mssql://sa:P@ssw0rd@localhost:3341/Roundhouse_Local
--SqlFilesDirectory | --Files | -f
Base location of SQL files. Default: ./sql
--Environment | --EnvironmentName | --env
Which environment token to use for scripts. Default: LOCAL
If SQL files are named in the pattern LOCAL.something**.ENV.sql then the script will not run is another environment is specified.
Environment tokens can be chained in the file name e.g. LOCAL.INTEGRATION.run_me.ENV.sql
--WarnOnOneTimeScriptChanges | -w
Generate a warning rather than stopping with an error if a One-Time script has changed since it was ran. Still skip the file from running again though.
Default: false
Generate a warning rather than stopping with an error if a One-Time script has changed since it was ran. Re-run the script though.
Default: false
Even if an Any-Time script has been run before, run it again.
Default: false
Don't run any of the scripts in the database - just show what would happen.
Default: false
$ rh -c=mssql://sa:P@ssw0rd@localhost:3341/Roundhouse_Local -f=./sql --env=LOCAL --RunAllAnyTimeScripts --DryRun
If you want to run RoundhousE directly from code, you can do something like this:
#! /usr/bin/env node
const { migrate } = require('./node_modules/roundhouse/services/migrate');
const connString = `mssql://${sqlUser}:${sqlPassword}@${dbServer}/${dbName}`;
const args = [
{ key: '--connstring', value: connString },
{ key: '--files', value: './database-migration' },
{ key: '--env', value: 'LOCAL' }
- Not all options from the Windows Roundhouse project are implemented - only those above.
- Migration will happen as soon as you run - there is no prompt to press a key.
- The utility will create a schema and 3 new tables in your database to track progress.
- This utility should run happily alongside the Windows project, but this is untested.
- No log files are generated of the changes, however entries are made into the RoundhousE.ScriptRun table.
$ npm test
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
- 0.1.0 Registration of package.
- 1.0.0 Initial release.
- 1.0.1 Update dependencies.
- 1.0.2 Tidying Hash Generator.
- 1.0.3 Complete test coverage.
- 1.0.4 Fix problem with 'go' in comments.
- 1.0.6 Merged Fix run anytime scripts if they have changed