A Python script to web crawl listed static military-veteran apprenticeship pages, for specific keywords that signal open positions, and sends an notification via email if positions are open.
Update 27 May 20: Currently rebuilding script with Selenium to address issues with scraping dynamic page content
- Install dependencies throughp Python binary that will be used for this script
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Write sender and recever email crendentials to
receiver = 'receiver@email.com'
sender = 'sender@gmail.com' # Gmail account must have Less Secured App access enabled
sender_password = 'hunter2'
- Open crontab editor
$ crontab -e
- Write cron job to automate scheduled task to run script
# m h dom mon dow command
30 8 * * * /absolute/path/to/python absolute/path/to/milvet-apprentice.py
Reference the following template to append an apprenticeship page to pages_dict.py
pages_dict = {
'Title': {
'url': '', # URL to specific apprentice page
'availability': '', # BeautifulSoup.soup.find() command
'condition': '' # text string used as signal for unavailable apprentice positions e.g. 'no jobs available at this time'