Lots of small MIPS Assembly programs I made during college. They're classified by difficulty level. The bigger the prefix, the bigger the despair.
I hope they help someone out there.
- 001-sum: Sums two variables into a third
- 002-sum2: Sums two equations
- 003-division: Manual implementation of the division algorithm.
- 004-is_prime: Tells if a number is prime.
- 004-matrix-*: Does operations on matrixes
- 005-gemini-prime: Find out the nth gemini prime number.
- 005-gemini-primes-on-file: Writes some gemini prime numbers on a file.
- 005-is_prime_optimized: Tells if a number is prime with some speed hacks for larger numbers. Don't worry if they seem bizarre, they weren't made by a sane person.
- 006-biggest-gemini: Finds out the biggest 32-bit gemini number.