A high-level Python library and CLI to make it easier to use Azure Data Explorer (aka Kusto), especially for data scientists.
Experimental, work-in-progress, unstable API.
- .set-or-append table
- .set-or-replace table
- .drop table
- .append table
- .create table
- .create-merge table
- .create-or-alter function
- .drop function
- set notruncation etc.
- retention policy
- sharding policy
- .show [table|database] principals
- .add [table|database] [users|admins]
- project
- where
- distinct
- summarize
- join
- parenthesize or/and expressions
- extend
- order by, sort
- asc, desc
- evaluate
- take, limit
- mv-expand
- Inspect columns from table by querying
- sample
- sample-distinct
- mv-apply
- datatable
- facet
- find
- fork
- getschema
- invoke
- lookup
- parse
- partition
- pivot
- range
- search
- serialize
- top, top-hitters
- Kusto prefix function translator class
- special types (datetime, timespan, dynamic)
- nice error messages when column not found in table etc.
- sumif
- countif
- dcountif
- binary_all_and
- binary_all_or
- binary_all_xor
- make_bag / make_set / make_list
- arg_max, arg_min, take_any, take_anyif
- avgif
- hll, hll_merge
- max, maxif, min, minif
- percentiles, percentiles_array, percentilesw
- stdev, stdevif
- tdigest, tdigest_merge
- variance, variancep, varianceif
- [start|end]of[day|week|month|year]
- between
- typecasting: real(), long(), datetime() etc.
- math functions: log, sin, cos etc.
- string functions: strlen etc.
- null
- date functions: getyear, getmonth etc.
- case / iff
- hash
- welch_test
- array_ functions