This is the server part of the SKSQL library:
npm run 02-skserver-build
node build/main.js --dbPath=PATH_TO_EMPTY_FOLDER --port=30001 --alive=0
In a container:
podman run --detach --rm=true --network="host" --volume=PATH:/data --env SKWORKER_PORT=30001 skeletapp/skserver:latest node build/main.js
or with docker
docker run --detach --rm=true --network="host" --volume=PATH:/data --env SKWORKER_PORT=30001 skeletapp/skserver:latest node build/main.js
node build/main.js [options]
Server Mode
Required parameters:
--dbPath= Path to the database folder.
--port= Port number for the websocket.
Optional server parameters:
--encryption=KEY An optional key for encrypting/decrypting the db.
--7z=PATH Path to the 7z executable for backing up.
--tokenList=PATH Path to a flat file containing a list of tokens.
Relay Mode
Required parameters:
--relay= WS address of the server.
--port= Port number for the websocket.
Optional relay parameter:
--relayToken= Token to authenticate with the distant server.
Other parameters:
--id= The server unique id.
--alive= Number of seconds before shutting down due to inactivity.
--heartbeat= WS address of the monitor.
--remoteonly=YES/NO If set to YES, clients will not receive a copy of the db.
--readonly=YES/NO If set to YES, no data can be modified with CREATE/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/DROP.
Parameters can also be set with ENVIRONMENT VARS:
SKSERVER_DBPATH Server Mode: Path to the database folder.
SKSERVER_PORT Port number for the websocket.
SKSERVER_RELAY Relay Mode: WS address of the server to connect to.
SKSERVER_RELAYTOKEN Relay Mode: Token to authenticate with the distant server.
SKSERVER_ID The server unique id.
SKSERVER_ALIVE Number of seconds before shutting down due to inactivity.
SKSERVER_7Z Server Mode: Path to the 7z executable for backing up.
SKSERVER_ENCRYPTION Server Mode: An optional key for encrypting/decrypting the db.
SKSERVER_HEARTBEAT ws address of the monitor.
SKSERVER_REMOTEONLY If set to YES, clients will not receive a copy of the db.
SKSERVER_TOKENLIST Path to a flat file containing a list of tokens.
Client connections can be forced to authenticate with a token.
To do so a token file must be created and passed to the server. This file is monitored and the server will reload it if it is modified.
Tokens entries are separated by a colon. Each entry must contain
- a GUID
- a ISO-8601 date for expiry (UTC and without space)
- a right access (R, W or RW)
Example of a valid entry:
c853d25a-77d7-40c6-8279-f85c418e248f 2022-09-27T09:40:23Z RW
Example of valid token file
c853d25a-77d7-40c6-8279-f85c418e248f 2022-09-27T09:40:23Z RW, 89b95ea7-24c3-49ba-b081-1a807022e70c 2022-09-27T10:40:23Z R
The server will generate a zip file of the database on every launch in DBPATH/backups
Path to a 7z executable can be specified with --7z=PATH or with environment variable SKSERVER_7Z
If an encryption key is provided with --encryption=KEY or with the env var SKSERVER_ENCRYPTION, the database blocks will be encrypted.
Subsequent launches of the server MUST contain the encryption key or the data will not be readable.
Existing database cannot be encrypted without being totally recreated.
If remote only is enabled, the database will not be sent to client connections and queries will be only processed on the server.
If read only is enabled, the database will be sent to client connections but no data can be modified on the server.
The server can be launched in relay mode to load-balance connections.
node build/main.js --relay=ws:// --port=30002