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Cosmos Inscriptions by Alfar

This script is currently under development. Use it at your own risk!


  1. Download and install Node.js.
  2. Install dependencies using the npm install command in the project root.
  3. Create a config.js file and fill it as in the config.{token}.example.js example file.
  4. input/accounts.txt - add mnemonics and addresses here (format: mnemonic,address or mnemonic)

Available tokens

  1. CIAS - celestia insctiption - config.cias.example.js
  2. INJS - injective insctiption - config.injs.example.js

Available Commands

  • npm run mint - mint token
  • npm run generate - generate empty accounts
  • npm run dispatch - send tokens from the first account (in accounts.txt) to each account in the file
  • npm run withdraw - withdraw native to exchange from all accounts
  • npm run balances - check balances
  • npm run addresses - get addresses from accounts.txt
  • npm run minted - check how many transactions minted tokens (cias only)

Config Variables

Common Configuration

  • EXPLORER: The URL for exploring transactions on the blockchain.
  • RPC: The URL for the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) endpoint used for communication with the Injective Protocol network.
  • NATIVE_PRICE_USD: The current price of the native token in USD.

Mint Configuration

  • GAS: The amount of gas used for minting operations.
  • FEE_NATIVE: The transaction fee for minting in native tokens.
  • MINT_AMOUNT_NATIVE: The amount of native tokens to mint.
  • SLEEP_ON_GET_ACCOUNT_ERROR_SEC: The duration to sleep (in seconds) if there is an error while retrieving an account.
  • SLEEP_BETWEEN_START_ACCOUNTS_SEC: The duration to sleep (in seconds) between starting new accounts.
  • SLEEP_BETWEEN_ACCOUNT_TXS_SEC: The duration to sleep (in seconds) between account transactions.

Generate Configuration

  • GENERATE_ACCOUNTS_COUNT: The count of accounts to be generated

Dispatch Configuration

  • SEND_NATIVE_TOKENS_PER_ACCOUNT: The amount of native tokens to send per account during the dispatch.
  • SLEEP_BETWEEN_DISPATCH_SEC: The duration to sleep (in seconds) between dispatching tokens.

Withdraw Configuration

  • LEAVE_NATIVE_ON_ACCOUNT: The amount of native tokens to leave on each account during withdrawal.
  • SLEEP_BETWEEN_WITHDRAW_SEC: The duration to sleep (in seconds) between withdrawal operations.
  • WITHDRAW_EXCHANGE_ADDRESS: The withdrawal address for exchanging tokens.

Balances Configuration

  • SLEEP_BETWEEN_CHECK_BALANCES_SEC: The duration to sleep (in seconds) between checking account balances.

Minted Configuration

  • SLEEP_BETWEEN_CHECK_MINTED_SEC: The duration to sleep (in seconds) between checking minted transactions.

System Configuration (Do Not Edit, It Is for developers)

  • TXS_API_URL: The API URL for blockchain transactions data.
  • MINTED_API_URL: The API URL for checking minted transactions.
  • MEMO: A base64-encoded string used as a memo in transactions.
  • NATIVE_DENOM: The denomination of the native token.
  • FILE_ACCOUNTS: The file path for the accounts information.
  • UNATIVE_PER_NATIVE: The conversion rate from micro native to native.
  • NATIVE_TICK: The ticker symbol for the native token.
  • ADDRESS_LENGTH: The expected length of a blockchain address.
  • ADDRESS_PREFIX: The prefix for blockchain addresses.


  1. Run npm run update.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Copy the new config.example.js to your config.js.

Donate: 0xeb3F3e28F5c83FCaF28ccFC08429cCDD58Fd571D

Donate: inj15sf2ya2e40z2zqza88g29vt7aw0xd9egudeuavs

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