I am a post-graduate student of the Department of Radiophysics of Kazan Federal University. At the moment, I am taking part in Ecole 42 (Paris, France).
- Погружение в Python (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Mail.Ru Group)
- Crash Course on Python (Google)
- Математика и Python для анализа данных (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Mail.Ru Group)
- Introduction to Data Science in Python (University of Michigan)
- Введение в машинное обучение (HSE University, Yandex School of Data Analysis)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning (deeplearning.ai)
- SQL for Data Science (UC Davis)
- Linear Regression from scratch by Ecole42
- Logistic Regression from scratch by Ecole42
- Multilayer Perceptron from scratch by Ecole42
- Sentimental Analysis of Tweets by Ecole42 (tf-idf, bag of words, word2vec)
- Churn Prediction by Ecole42 (in progress) (mlp implementation with numpy, scikit-learn, tensorflow, keras)
- My first experience using GAN - CycleGAN: Image-to-Image Translation
- "House prices advanced regression techniques" [kaggle] - Ridge, Lasso, RandomForest, DesicionTree, kNN,CatBoost, XGBoost, GradienBoost
- "MarketingRuCode" - DecisionTree, RandomForest
- Task solutions from Neural Networks and Deep Learning by DeepLearning.AI
- Simple NLP project World Cloud from songs of band
- Machine Learning Concepts - simple examples using basic machine learning algorithms: linear regression, PCA, K-NN, etc.
- Machine Learning Tutorials - pandas, numpy, sklearn...
- Task solutions from the course Interactive SQL Simulator
- Learn CPP by Ecole42
- Task solutions from courses Introduction to C++ programming and "Fundamentals of programming in C. Tasks"
- Using pipe in C by Ecole42
- Simple Library in C by Ecole42
- PrintNextLine by Ecole42
- SimplePrintf by Ecole42
- Server with Docker by Ecole42 - docker + nginx + php-fpm + wordpress + mariadb
- System Administration with docker-compose by Ecole42 - docker-compose + nginx + php-fpm + wordpress + mariadb
- Learn to Layout - a simple project using css and html
- SimpleWebWithDjango