📺 A venture builder; full-stack software engineer, solutions architect, UX & product designer, mobile engineer, NLP & chatbot engineer, database designer... 👌 catch up on blockchain and web3 developments.😋 I simply love what I do with a focus on creating world class products.
- 🔭 I'm currentely working on Chatbot/AI projects & Fintech projects
- 🌱 Learning more about Blockchain developments, UX/UI, Cloud Architecture, Systems Design and Artificial Intelligence.
- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions.
- 💬 Ask me about Software development and 😉 superhero movies
- 📫 How to reach me alfredruhara@gmail.com
- 🎮 Passionate about video games and multimedia/superhero movies as a hobby at the moment
- 🔑 State management is a front & back end concern. 🪞It is a fundamental basis on which the frontend is based, on a larger backend, the complexity of state management is even widened.
- 🔑 The 120Hz refresh rate on a screen is totally insane 🙌 I'm just in awe of how much Android #smartphones already taking advantage of such. 🪞Such a result says a lot about the performance of rendering, power-consumption, on-screen capabilities, etc... EOL OLED
- 🔑 Imagination is the centerpiece of creation; limitation is the barrier to cross.🪞If we have not yet conquered death, it is because we are limited, simply our imagination is limited at the moment.
“ There is never a limit, it's about how far you can go with your imagination” Chadrack R. Alfred