This is a repo with T-Systems Java School preliminary examination tasks. Code points where you solution is to be located are marked with TODOs.
The solution is to be written using Java version greater than 1.8, external libraries are forbidden. You can add dependencies with scope "test" if it's needed to write new unit-tests.
The exam includes 3 tasks to be done. Please, choose 3 of 5: Calculator, Pyramid, CurrencyConverter, Spreadsheet and Subsequence
- Author name : Ekaterina Mitiashkina
- Pipeline status:
- Completed tasks: Pyramid, CurrencyConverter, Subsequence
- You need to do 3 tasks out of 5, so you need to mark the 2 test classes with the annotation @Ignore to exclude them. This is the only change you can make to the test classes. Do not modify class methods. Example for excluding Calculator task:
import org.junit.Ignore;
public class CalculatorTest {
- Make sure your code can be built and all tests are green (example command: "mvn clean install")
- Commit and push all changes to your repository
- Configure the Bitbucket Pipelines to deploy your maven project(use maven template for creating your pipelines)
- Add your name to the under Result section
- Add a badge with a status of your pipeline under Result section using the next template:
- Check that the latest pipeline shows green build. We will not accept your solution if it is red. Also check that all 33 tests are passed in the pipeline.
- Send us an email with the link to your repository. Be aware that the build must be green all the time after you send us the link
- First of all - don't modify the tests. It will be considered as fraud and treated accordingly
- Send us an email with full details:
- Link to your repository
- Name of failing test
- Explain what is expected behaviour from your point of view
- Explain why do you think your version is correct
- Wait for the response
- In case of any questions contact the person who sent you the task (first) or HR department of T-Systems (second).