WanderBasket is an app to make grocery shopping easier when you plan a vacation with many people involved. The user can create trips, to which they add participants. All the trip participants can then access the trip's details, and add/remove/edit a grocery list. When the list is ready, the user can print the shopping list in one click.
- 404: As an anon/user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault
- Logged Out Homepage: As an anon/user I can see a homepage that describes the WanderBasket app and invites me to signup
- Signup: As an anon I can sign up in the platform so that I can start creating, reading and editing trips and related groceries
- Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can see my trips, add new ones, edit trips, add grocery items,etc.
- Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform
- All Trips As a user I can see a list of all the trips I created or was added to
- Search Trip As a user I can search trips by name or destination to see more details about them
- Add Trip As a user I can add a new trip
- Edit Trip As a user I can edit an existing trip
- Delete Trip As the creator of the trip I can delete an existing trip
- Add groceries As a participant to a trip, I can add grocery items to it
- Edit groceries As a participant to a trip, I can edit existing grocery items
- Delete groceries As the creator of the grocery item, I can delete it
- Print shopping list As a participant to a trip, I can print the list of groceries that were tagged as "needs to be purchased"
- Chatbot As an anon/user I can communicate with a chatbot that will guide me through the app's features
- User Profile As a user I can modify my user name, picture or email address. I can also see the list of trips I take part in
- About As a anon/user, I can learn more about the creators of the app
- enrich the possible scenarii the chatbot handles
Tagging participants:
- make it possible to tag participants on groceries list, so they are designated responsible of a specific item
- make it possible for participants to leave comments on each trip
- / - Homepage
- /auth/signup - Signup form
- /auth/login - Login form
- /trips - trips list
- /trips/:tripId - trip's details
- /trips/:tripId/update - edit trip's details
- /trips/:tripId/shoppinglist - print shopping list
- /trips/new - create a new trip
- /user/:userId/update - update user profile
- /about - info about the creators
- 404
- Home Page (public)
- Sign in Page (anon only)
- Log in Page (anon only)
- Trips List Page (user only)
- Create Trip Page (user only)
- Update Trip Page (user only)
- Shopping List Page (user only)
- Trip Details Page (user only)
- User Profile Page (user only)
- 404 Page (public)
- Authform
- ChangeGrocery
- Footer
- GroceryList
- Loader
- Navbar
- ParticipantList
- PrivateRoute
- Search
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