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junzhan.yzw edited this page Nov 5, 2015 · 8 revisions

Install Wax

Use Cocoapods

  • Use git tag. Add pod 'wax', :git=>'', :tag=>'1.1.0'to your Podfile
  • Use git commit. Add pod 'wax', :git=>'', :commit=>'5c762ad' to your Podfile
  • Use local path. Add pod 'wax', :git=>'', :path=>'/User/junzhan/wax' to your Podfile
  • Don't know Cocoapods? Just google it!
  • See sample in examples/InstallationExample/InstallWithCocoaPods

Add source manually

  • Add lib directory of these files to your project in accordance with the rules.

If you need to use more extensions in Lua, you can add them to your project.

'lib/extensions/filesystem/*.{h,m}' ,

If you want to use SQLite, you need add libsqlite3 to Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries.
If you want to use xml, you need add libxml2 to Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries and add ${SDKROOT}/usr/include/libxml2 to Build settings->Head Search Path

  • Add -fno-objc-arc to Compiler Flags in TARGETS->Build Phases->Compile Sources for these files.
  • See sample in examples/InstallationExample/InstallWithSource

Use static framework

  • Open your terminal and run cd WAX_ROOT/tools/Framework
  • Then run rake package, wax will be compiled
  • The production is in WAX_ROOT/framework/wax.framework directory
  • Add wax.framework to your project
  • Add the path of wax.framework to Build Settings-> Framework Search Paths.(you'd better use relative directory)
  • Use head file like #import <wax/wax.h>
  • See sample in examples/InstallationExample/InstallWithStaticFramework

Start using wax

    #import "wax.h" // or #import <wax/wax.h>
   wax_start("init.lua", nil);
   // To add wax with extensions, use this line instead
   // #import "wax/wax_http.h"
   // #import "wax/wax_json.h"
   // #import "wax/wax_filesystem.h"
   // wax_start("init.lua", luaopen_wax_http, luaopen_wax_json, luaopen_wax_filesystem, nil);
   wax_runLuaString("print('hello wax')");


  • wax_start should be called before you using any wax's API.
  • wax_start should be called in main thread.
  • wax_start should be called only once.
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