- create an mdbook
- define goals
- develop concepts
- create game design docs
- pick a concept
- create a mock Steam page for the chosen concept
- create a Bevy project
- add camera
- add physics
- make sure the player can jump
- orientable character model
- camera follows character model
- camera starts at the right location relative to player
- controls turn the player and move them relative to their orientation
- camera turns with the player
- strafing
- remove gravity scale weirdness
- [] port to LWIM
- [] gather references
- [] write down art style guidelines
- [] design 3 toys
- [] design 3 levels
- [] generate collider based on mesh
- [] set models on top of the zero plane
- [] add an asset loading state
- [] define levels in a data-driven way
- [] define character controllers in a data-driven way