Companion app for an obscure physical coding challenge, designed for conferences or recruitment fairs. People pick up one of the cards, which will have a number written on it. They rip notches like an old punch card catalog system to represent the nunmber and give it back.
The card is shuffled into a stack of similar pre-coded cards. This app enables anyone to check if a response is correct. Deploy the app to heroku and visit e.g. <app_name> to get the steps to find card number 34:
Card stack card finder
Insert needle into hole 1, lift and keep Insert needle into hole 2, lift and discard Insert needle into hole 3, lift and keep Insert needle into hole 4, lift and keep Insert needle into hole 5, lift and keep Insert needle into hole 6, lift and discard Insert needle into hole 7, lift and keep Insert needle into hole 8, lift and keep