This project is made as a simple payback to my most beloved country, Sudan. It contains a counter for the number of donations made by the people of sudan in respond to a campaign made by the newly apointet government of Sudan after a great reveloution. these donations are meant for the aid of the health system during the current corona pandemic and also to aid the economy and thoes in need in the country.
This projects contains two pages
- The Main Page: which contains a counter for the number of donations and the total amount of donations in SDG.
- The How to Page: which is an informational used as instructions of how to donate in different channels.
The Counters are being fetched from Bank of Sudan - Electronic Banking Services under the below api URL: API URL: METHOD: HTTP GET Data Type: JSON DOCUMENTATION URL:
- UX/UI Design Done By Wael Alsanosi =>
- App Development Done By Ali Alhashimi
- Website:
- Facebook Page:
- Twitter Page:
- Official Hashtags: #StandForSudan/القومةـللسودان#